chapter 9

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Nicolai's POV

I sat by Cay's bedside; we moved her to a room in the organization for safety purposes. I'm not really that worried since its normal for us to be unconscious during our awakening. We usually have explain to those who are going to awaken what they'll be going through, some unlucky ones go through their awakening before it can happen, in those cases they're quite volatile when they finally come to it. In Cay's case we don't know what to expect since this is a re-awakening and we don't have any documented cases of those. I just sit looking at her, she's so beautiful, an angel; and she's mine. I never thought the day would come when she would be mine, and I'll never let her go.

"Has she stirred?" Lyca asks walking into the room followed by the others.

"No, still the same." I sighed

"It's been a week already." Gerry says looking worried

"Kingsley took two weeks, don't worry." Antoine replied

"How are we not supposed to worry?" Lyca's voice rose a bit, "Kingsley almost died!"

"But he didn't, she's strong enough to pull through Lycia." Max soothed her.

"She'll definitely pull thro-" I was cut off by a slight movement in my peripheral.

I looked a Cay, she was stirring. "Get the doctor and the elders, she coming to it" I directed at Gerry.

Her eyes fluttered open and I sucked in my breath. Her irises were black, pitch black. She sat up and looked around the room as if she was in a trance.

"Catty, are you ok?" Lyca approaches her.

"Lyca, wait, don't!" I shouted, but I was too late.

Lyca was hit by a heat wave sending her into the wall. Catherina was in a volatile state, she can't distinguish friend from foe at the moment, she'll attack anything and everyone. She let out a loud growl and attacked us, Antoine and I, did our best not to harm her as we fought back. Max got Lyca up and made sure she was good.

"How do we stop her? She's fire alright but something more because my shadows don't affect her." I yelled over to Antoine.

"I'll grab her and keep her in place, try to put her to sleep!" Antoine yelled back closing in on her.

"How?" I asked

"Knock her out!" well what a lovely way to sow the girl of your dreams you loved her, knock her out.

I watched as Antoine lunged for her and the both of them went down, I was waiting for an opportunity to put her to sleep when she suddenly stilled and fell unconscious. We all looked at her shocked, trying to figure out what happened, until we saw black flame mark appear on the right side of her neck. Well I'll be damned.

"It's the same as Kingsley's but black." Lyca said astonished

"That means someone here is her Etaíros..." Max says looking shocked.

"Well it's no shocker, we always suspected it would be Lycia" Antoine said placing Cay on the bed. Suddenly he drops to his knee, clutching the left side of his neck hissing.

"H-How is this possible?" Lyca stared at the black flame appearing on Antoine's neck with wide eyes.

This is strange Etaíros are our partners bonded to us by the fates. They are the ones who are here to help us, they are our soul mates. Not in the intimate sense, but in the sense of being there for each other, the only one that can stop us when or if we ever lose control of our elements and fall into the dark. But the thing about Etaíros is that they cannot have the same elemental parent. So in mine and Lyca's case we cannot be partners since both our parents are elementals and we inherited their elemental genes. Cay and Antoine share the same father, and since her mom isn't and elemental, they got his gene, making it impossible to be Etaíros.

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