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I woke at 5:00am
Interviews are tonight. I stumble over to the showers and I'm blasted by a freezing jet of water. I quickly turn the heated water on. I press some buttons and soap is lathered on, hair is washed, skin is softened.
When I'm done I step onto a platform where an electric current runs through my body and my hair comes down clean,dry and soft. My body is dried and I pick out clothes. I won't be getting interviewed until 7:00pm. I put on a gray sweatshirt, white shirt , white socks and black leggings. I walk downstairs into the dining room where Laney sits. I take a plate and fill it with Capitol delicacies, pink eggs, a sweet type of tea , some sausage and blue fruits. All are obviously genetically modified. I sit and start to eat.
" Are you nervous? " asks Laney
What kind of question is that?
" If I wasn't nervous I wouldn't be human."  I reply.
" At 10am you're going with Nightphan to learn how to speak, walk, and present yourself properly for the Capitol. Then, at 12pm you're coming with me to figure out what you're going to say. At 3pm I'll be handing you to your stylists so they can get you ready. Your interview is scheduled for 8:00pm. "
She says.
" Thank you." I say
When I'm finished with my breakfast I walk back to my room. I have one hour until I go with Nightphan. I decide to order some more food. I figure that I'd better fill myself up and try and gain a pound or two before tomorrow. I order steak, a salad, eggs, fruit, fries, a milkshake, puffy bread, and groosling. I eat that while I wait.

An hour later Nightphan walks into my room with a long, sparkly , bright pink dress and 13 inch heels.
" I'm just so excited for you!" She says in her Capitol voice that drives me insane.
This is going to be a long two hours.
I stumble across the floor, falling at least 3 times each 5 steps. Whether it be tripping on the dress or tripping over my heels Nightphan calls my stylist.
" Venice, Melanie's dress cannot touch the floor and she cannot wear heels! " She continues to tell the stories of what has happened to Venice for the next hour , not bothering to teach me any other skills. Soon enough Laney comes to the rescue and we start on our lesson.

We take a seat on the plush couches, she set them up like the interview chairs are.
" We need to find out your personality." She says.
" My personality?" I ask.
" Yes, weather it be funny, sarcastic, sexy, shy, hostile,humble, tough. It could be anything. " she says.
" Alrighty then." I say.
We rule out funny and sexy first. Then hostile, then humble , and then tough, we settle on shy.
Easy enough.
Two hours later I'm whisked away to my stylists where they remove all my body hair, whiten my teeth, comb out my hair, do my makeup, and nails.
When we're done I go to Venice.

She has me close my eyes and she places a soft dress over my body, I step into leather gladiator sandals that reach just above my ankles. I feel the smooth fabric touching my knees. I open my eyes and I'm taken aback of how beautiful I look. My red hair is combed out, I wear a pale yellow dress that seems to shimmer ever so slightly as I move, my nails are painted tan, I have light pink lipstick on, a winged eyeliner, tan eyeshadow and a slight contour on my cheeks. But somethings off.
I don't look like the puny little 12 year old I am. I look 14 years old.
I look like a warrior.
" Now remember, be polite. Don't bad mouth anyone or anything about the Capitol. "
I nod, still looking in the mirror.

I'm brought into line where I see Andrew.
He stands in a black tux, he has a pale yellow tie and his hair is slicked back. He looks pretty good.
I give a small wave,
" Hi, you look great. " I say shyly.
" Hey, Melanie you look awesome! " He practically shouts, earning dirty looks from the other tributes and their stylists. I feel my face become red.
" Thanks." I say, trying now to laugh.
Then an announcement comes on
" Tributes! Please find your district partner and get in line, females in front of males! Thank you and please remain quiet as possible while you wait for your interviews and as always, Happy Hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor! "
We shuffle into line.
The interviews go by fast.
Marvel Man is second. He's playing Mr tough guy.
Bridget and Nathan go on, both playing shy and innocent.
Before I know it I'm being lead up to the stage by a peacekeeper.
" And now, Melanie Leeks! " Caesar shouts.
I step onto the stage, A slight smile pasted onto my face, I can feel my knees shaking. I hope nobody notices.
It's all a blur. The booming applause. The whistles. The cheers.
I walk over to Caesar.
" Hello, hello, hello! So, how are you feeling tonight, Melanie? " He asks
" Hi, I'm feeling very nervous! " I say with a fake chuckle.
" Oh don't worry about it!" He says, patting my shoulder.
I smile.
" So, Melanie, what are your skills? "  He asks.
" Kn- " I catch myself just in time.
" Oh skills? I'm not really good at much. I'll probably be a bloodbath tribute. But that's okay. " I say.
" Oh! I'm sure you're good at something! So, your score, a two? How did you manage to get that? " He asks.
I hear the game makers laugh.
" Like I said, I'm not good at anything." I say, slightly annoyed.
" Perhaps it was just nerves?"
I shake my head, no.
He decides to lighten the mood.
" I love your dress! Would you mind standing up and twirling for us? " he asks.
" Sure! " I smile.
I stand up and smooth out the puffy dress. I twirl and the crowd goes wild. I catch a glimpse of myself on the screens around me and I look beautiful. My red hair stands out on the pale dress. The dress shimmers oh so slightly.
I sit down and my timer goes off.
" Ah! It was lovely having you Melanie, good luck! I hope you had fun! " He says.
" Thank you Caesar, I had a great time. Hopefully I'll get a stroke of luck and I'll be able to see you again! " I say and I scurry off the stage.
I see Laney and I stand with her while we watch all the interviews.
Andrew did good, he played the funny one.
Rye, she did fantastic. She told Caesar about Rue and Marvel Man.
About the Alliance, we decided that Bridget, Nathan and I were going to grab whatever was near and then we would all run straight east while Rye went into the bloodbath to get weapons for all of us. And then we'd meet  somewhere by supper or breakfast.
After all of the interviews were over we all went to our floor.
We ate dinner and then hurried off to bed.
I lay in my bed thinking about tomorrow, my mind racing.
I decide to order some sleep pills and 10 minutes later I'm in a dreamless sleep.

They're going to the games tomorrow! Thanks so much for reading and remember to vote, comment and read!
Thanks for reading!

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