Chapter II

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A/N: Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate that. Also, quick disclaimer: Alejandro isn't Camila's dad. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Chapter II

Ally stood with arms outstretched, completely still. Her position allowed the bridal seamstress to asses the cloth that needed to be adjusted. She was somewhat aware of her surroundings, she knew she was standing on an oval platform in front of a series of mirrors similar to those found in dance rooms.

She also knew that her mom was watching her, hands clasped together by her chest, a smile that would rival that of the Cheshire cat--a little less menacing. Adding to that list was the icing on the cake: she was trying on her wedding dress. The petite brunette was aware of where she was physically but her mind was elsewhere. In the past to be exact. She wondered if she would have been more excited if she were marrying the man she had fallen in love when was sixteen.

Ally had been prepping Snowflake to take her out for a ride when she felt someone's eyes on her. She had slowly turned her body and her eyes had landed on a young man dressed in a suit, hair combed to the side and a toothpick in between his lips. To her, everything about the boy had seemed out of place. Who wore a suit in the middle of spring to a Hacienda? Even though she had found it peculiar for him to be eying her suspiciously, she had decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, along with a friendly smile and small wave. Ally returned her attention to Snowflake and pulled at the reins.

After spending the first half of her junior year of high school in LA, she decided that the best way to celebrate Easter was with her family. Who were currently residing in one of their properties in Mexico.

Snowflake was one of the reasons she loved the Hacienda. Ally guided her steed out of the stables and into a corral. To her surprise, the same young man who had been staring at her now stood in front of her, holding the pen open for her. He had a smirk plastered on his face and his green eyes shone deviously. Ally tilted her head, confusion seeping into her features.

"Soy Alejandro y usted cómo se llama?" (I'm Alejandro, and what would your name be?)

Ally was frozen in place for two reason. The first being due to the very attractive young man in front of her, who asked for her name. Her Spanish was very limited, she could only understand what was being said and she didn't know how to respond. Second was the very evident stranger danger her parents had told her about. There was a complete stranger in her home who was apparently stalking her. Ally began to panic.

"Usted disculpara mi atrevimiento pero permítame decir que si usted es bella, su nombre también debe de ser lo." (You'll have to excuse my boldness but allow me to say that if you are beautiful, your name surely is too.) His smile didn't falter even when he realized after a painful minute of silence that the small brunet didn't speak Spanish. He let out a soft chuckle and took the toothpick out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry. My name is Alejandro. I was asking for your name?" He quirked an eyebrow, waiting for the girl to reply to his implied question.

Ally giggled out of nervousness. "No, you were hitting on me. In a very formal way." She added as an afterthought. "Where did you come from and why are you following me?" She crossed her arms as she waited for a reply.

Alejandro's smile widened, he crossed his arms across his chest as well, mimicking her posture. "I was under the impression that you did not speak Español, Miss?" He tried for her name once more.

Ally quickly unfolded her arms and placed her hands on her hips. "I don't speak it, but that doesn't mean I don't understand it, Mr. ?" She mimed.

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