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Brie POV
I walked through the doors and my heart broke into a million pieces.
I walked closer to Roman, I grab a chair and pull it closer to Romans bed.
I sat down and I grab Romans hand, which was hard since I was shaking
I tried not to cry cause Roman doesn't want to see cry it breaks his heart
"Am so sorry love"
I couldn't hold it in, I cried
"Please love wake up, I need you I..."
I paused for a second to look around the room
"Dean can you leave me here with Roman"
I didn't turn around, I didn't want Dean to see me cry
"Sure, if you need anything I'll be in the cafeteria"
"Thank you"
After Dean left I cried like I never cried before
"Roman please wake up, please open your eyes, please"
"I need to hear your voice, I need to see those beautiful ice blue eyes, I need to be wrapped around in your arms, I...I need you love, not just me but are baby"
Nothing but the beat of the monitor
2 hours later
Roman still hasn't opened his eyes.
This is all my fault. Why didn't I listen to him. Why did I have to be so stubborn. Why did my past come back. Why is it keeping from being with the most amazing guy in the world.
All this thoughts were racing in my head, racing for answer but answering this question will be hard. I need Roman. I need to talk to him, he is the only person who makes me feel safe.
I leave my thoughts and focus on Roman
"Roman please wake up"
I grab his hand
"Please love wake up"
"I can't live in is world without you"
"Am sorry Roman"
"Am sorry that I let my past come between us, am sorry I didn't give you a chance to explain"
I get up from my chair, cup his cheeks, and kiss him as if it was going to be the last
Romans POV
I felt something touching my hand.
I could hear someone's voice but who's.
All I could hear was a sweet voice that I could hear for hours.
I then feel something on my lips.
Fuck. Why couldn't I move.
It was a really long kiss, a kiss where I didn't want it to end.
Brie is the one who's kissing me. I know this feeling the feeling that only Brie gives me when she touches me
Come on Roman wake up
Bries POV
Just as I was going to pull away I felt Roman wrap his arm around me
I pulled away
"Hi baby girl"
I was so happy my love is wake. I got up on the bed;straddling him. I hid my face in his neck to hide the tears
He rubbed my back to stop me from crying
"Brie please stop crying"
I kept crying
"Love I wanted to wake up and see a beautiful face with a lovely smile. I didn't want to wake up and see tears flowing down a beautiful face"
I pulled away
"Am sorry"
He wiped away my tears
"That better"
"Roman am sorry I didn't-"
"Love let's not talk about this here. Am to tired"
"Ok we'll talk about this at the house"
"Thank you love. Now can I sleep with an angel next to me"
I nodded my head yes
I rest my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me
"Thank you"
"Why are you thanking me"
"Cause your my cure to my wounds, my pain, and your the cure to the poison the flows in my veins. Your my cure"
I pull away from his chest
I he brings me down with a kiss. He pulls away and wraps his arms around me
"Brie can I sleep with you now, am really tired"
"Am sorry love, I'll let you sleep"
"Thank you"
Before I fell asleep I wanted to hear his heart beat. His heart beat always claims me down but his words were keeping me from sleeping your my cure kept repeating in my head.
I finally fell asleep with a smile on my face thinking about Roman holding my baby and me smiling at the view

Will Roman tell Brie why he really was in hospital
Is Brie going to tell Roman how she truly feels about the solution
Comment for part 11

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