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Roman POV
I wake up to see my beautiful baby girl peacefully sleeping in my arms.
Today was the day.
The day am going to purpose to the love of my life
But first I have to make a couple calls
"Where is my phone"
I turn and see my baby girl slowly waking up
"Nothing baby girl just go back to sleep"
"Ok love just don't leave me"
I chuckle
"I would never leave you baby girl"
I kiss her forehead.
I still need to find my phone.
I look around the room and finally I see my phone.
On the other side of the bed
Fuck, I don't want to wake up Brie again
But I see her phone on my side of the bed
I'll just use hers she won't mind.
I turn her phone on, I see her wallpaper is me kissing her cheek as she smiles.
I slide the screen and she has a password. Great.
I think I know what it is
Yep it's my birthday.
Don't worry my password is her birthday.
Alright let me see who I need to call.
First Dean
"Hey dean did you get everything"
"Yes but we still need to get everything to your house"
"Alright am going to call Nikki,Kathy,and my mom so they can distract her, where are you now"
"Am at the gym"
"Alright call everyone else and tell them to get everything ready I need to get a couple more things I'll meet you in 3 hours"
"Alright but just to let you know am going to drink your beers"
"Whatever just same my two or three"
"Alright bye bro"
Now Nikki
"Hey Brie what's up"
"Nikki its Roman"
"Oh hey to what's up"
"Nikki can you and your mom and mine take Brie on a girls night"
"Sure but what time do you need her back"
"When me and the guys finish setting up the house"
"Alright but Roman why are you using bries phone"
"cause my phone is on the other side the bed and I don't want to wake her up"
"Alright I'll call Brie when she wakes up and ask her ok"
"Ok thank Nikki"
"No problem"
Finally my mom, I just hope she doesn't tell Brie anything embarrassing about me
"Hi mom"
"Hi Roman"
"Mom can you and Nikki and her mom take Brie on a girls night until we finish the surprise"
I hear my mom scream for my dad
"Honey am going in a girls night with Romans fiancé"
I laugh cause u hear my dad running
"Roman what is you mother talking about"
"Dad remember am going to purpose to Brie, your going to help us finish the surprise remember"
"Oh sorry I was asleep until I heard your mother scream"
"It's ok but you need to go Pensacola and help us"
"Alright I'll be there in a hour"
"Bye son"
"Bye dad"
"Mom so are you in"
"Of course what time do I have to get ready"
"Nikki is going to call Brie when she wakes up and I told her to call you ok"
"Bye son"
"Bye mom"
I look at the clock and see it's only 5:30am WHAT I need to get everything to Pensacola I need to get up but I don't want to leave Brie
"Brie wake up"
"Please I need to go to Pensacola"
"Why do you need to go to Pensacola"
"Cause I need to make a beautiful girl happy"
"Am already happy"
"I know but I just want it to be forever"
Brie giggles
"Ok but since you woke me up at...5:40 in the morning we are not have sex"
"Please baby girl"
I kiss her lips and slowly make my way down her neck
"Haha I don't think so"
Brie pulls away
"Brie that not funny"
"Ya it is"
I pout
"Aw is someone mad"
Brie giggles
Brie kisses me and whispers in my ear
"I love you"
"I love you too"

Want to see how Roman purpose to Brie
Comment for part 5

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