Swipe Right - Chapter Eight

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Monday morning my arms were full with cardboard story boards as I walked into my boss's office. "Set it up and show me what you came up with."

I nodded and started setting them up on the tabletop before starting into my presentation. I proposed dutifully what I had slaved over for the entire weekend. I explained with confidence my ideas and plans and after thirty minutes and my final comments, I let out a deep breath and forced myself to stand upright instead of slumping into the chair beside me.

"I'm impressed." I watched as she steepled her fingers against her lips. "I like it. We'll move forward with this, you'll present this exact proposal to Ben Davis on Friday." And that was it, I was excused. I barely contained my squeal of joy, my every dream coming to fruition in a matter of one sentence. I suddenly became nervous, I had four days to prepare for the biggest presentation of my life and that same day happened to land on the day I was flying home. Damn I was going to be busy.

Monday night was reserved for Adam. Adam was tall and lanky with dark hair and dark glasses with the whitest smile I'd ever seen. Adam had asked me out earlier that morning and on my wave of good news, I rode it all the way to agreeing to meet for drinks after work. I ordered another beverage in hopes that the conversation might get better the more I drank. It didn't. I put on my best smile as he droned on about himself and his job doing something with a computer or walking a dog, or something.

"So Maddie, tell me a little bit about yourself." Oh, my turn to add to the conversation! "Tell me, how do you feel about pointed toe cowboy boots?" Check, please!

The next day I spent holed up in my cubicle, running over reports and facts and desperately trying to find perfection in a god damn PowerPoint presentation. Hearing my stomach grumble, I looked behind me through the window wondering when the hell the sun went down and how noon turned into seven o'clock. The office was suddenly eerily quiet as I was the only one left, did I even say goodbye to anyone? I jumped in my chair as my phone started ringing beside me. Recognizing the name on the caller ID I picked up. "Hello?"

"Oh good, I was hoping I would catch you. It's Val."

I smiled at her enthusiasm. "Hey Val, how's it going?"

"Good. I received an email from Ben earlier this afternoon stating that you were the contact for the pitch on Friday. He just called and is requesting that the meeting be moved up an hour if that works for you." I agreed, not actually hearing anything else she said beyond the fact that I was considered the contact for the pitch. Me. Not my boss, not her assistant, me. Fucking, me! It wasn't until after I hung up the phone that I realized what she was calling for, the meeting. My stomach dropped; that would be cutting it close to my departure time. I shook my head, I couldn't complain. It was a non-refundable flight but this was the beginning of my future. I just hoped I wouldn't have to endure the wrath of an angry mother. And a dent to my bank account.

The day of the presentation I piled on the under eye makeup. I'd been up all night preparing, going over each slide and what I needed to say and now that I stood in the meeting room after dropping my luggage at my desk, I felt it all start to fade away. Damn you, nerves! My phone vibrating in my pocket made me jump.

You'll do great! Kick some ass today!!!

I smiled at Jamie's text message. Hers was followed by the rest of the girls in the group chat and damn, I loved my friends. I let out a calming breath.

"Are you ready, Maddie?"

I turned around and smiled at the woman who held my career in the palm of her hand. "Yes, definitely."

Swipe Right - The Chronicles of an Unpaid ProstituteWhere stories live. Discover now