Chapter Six - A Lone Depature

Start from the beginning

"Flustered, me?"

"So long as she keeps you on your toes, you wouldn't have the luxury to mope around like you always did."

Trying to find a retort, I'm left speechless. It's true now that I think about it, even though she annoys me to no ends. I haven't been alone ever since I've met her.

"It seems like you've been observing me for awhile. But I don't really know anything about you besides your name."

"Perhaps you should save that for another time." 

"Why's that?"

"Don't you have to be somewhere soon?"

Just as she finishes her sentence, I remember that Academy hours haven't ended yet. And that we're suppose to be back on time or else.

"Ahh that's right, we should get going!"

"Hmm... No, I think I'll skip afternoon classes for today."


With classes finishing, I'm left slowly climbing the hill back home, with hopes that Reiguma hasn't burned the entire place.

Although my trust in her is about 10 percent.

Feeling relieved that exterior of the house looks the same as it was in the morning. I enter.


I lazily call out her name, however no response from her.


I repeat her name, hoping that she'd reply this time 'round.

Hearing the sounds of a pan against the stove, I step foot into the living room. The scent in the air's mixed between the sweetness berries and cream, but on the other hand I smell something gone off and burnt.

I could already tell, that a disaster occurred.

"What is this smell!? Reiguma!" 

I cry out as I rush towards the dining room.

A tower of plates are stacked on the table, accompanied by weird shapes of pastry and cake. I spot Reiguma behind it all as I see multiple pots smeared with batter, juices of berries and burnt pastry. She doesn't take notice of my as I hear her singing a tune whilst hearing the tap running.

"Reiguma!! What are you doing!?"


An eardrum piercing screech emits from her lips as I cover my ears.

"Ooo Kiro.~ Welcome back, ehee." 

She greets me in joy as I'm left bedazzled.

Clearly she doesn't understand the state of the kitchen. I take deep breaths as I try calming down, if I get too worked up I wouldn't be able to speak straight.

"Okay Reiguma... May I ask what you're doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making you soften rounds, Kiro.~"

"Nonono, the only thing you're making is a mess!"

"Don't worry about all that, I'll clean it later!~ Ehee, okayy here you go, Kiro, it's done.~ I made quite a mess after I try using my own fire. The gas fire thingimijig exploded.~" 

She ignores my anger as she happily presents a plate of soft n' rounds.

"The stove exploded!?"

I place my hand against my forehead, I don't even know where to begin. I feel like I've just walked into a home that isn't mine.

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