ZackAttack: what the hell is this

Cliffoconda: Zack! You live!

JackBaracrap: welcome to a new hell

NapLord: welcome to the end of peaceful eras

ZackAttack: I wasn't even gone that long and I turn my phone on to utter madness

Dawsome: YAY YOUR AWAKE your mom and I made soup

Dawsome: when I say your mom and I, I mean she made bomb ass soup and I added crackers

ZackAttack: what would I do without you?

Dawsome: <3

LukeSkywalker: cute AF

HoodedPuppy: wait Rian are you still ditching school? Can I have your study guide for research?

Dawsome: do you really expect me to do my homework if you didn't?

HoodedPuppy: shit

MelanieMartian: I finished mine! No thanks to the jabbering of this chat

HoodedPuppy: mel have I complemented what a lovely human you are recently?

MelanieMartian: yes you can copy

HoodedPuppy: I fucking love you

AshKetchup: o.o

HoodedPuppy: in the friend way Ash, you know what level of L word you rank at

Halsballs: oooo do tell

NapLord: kinky

HoodedPuppy: no

Cliffoconda: you were making out all over my couch yesterday

HoodedPuppy: what happens in the man cave, STAYS in the man cave

Cliffoconda: eww...

Baracrap: ha they probably did it on your couch

Cliffoconda: I'm going to be hosting a bonfire featuring that once sanitized couch

LukeSkywalker: I'll bring marshmallows

Cliffoconda: fuck off Luke

NapLord: the tension™

Baracrap: sexual™ tension™

LukeSkywalker: I am stRAighT

Halsballs: yea that's what I said before I first kissed several humans then Mel and LOOK AT ME NOW

ZackAttack: but I've seen you drooling over Michael?..

Cliffoconda: HA

AshKetchup: O SHIT

Dawsome: shit son, you been discovered


LukeSkywalker has left the chat

HoodedPuppy: FUCK

Baracrap: BRUH

NapLord: he's so guilty of not being completely hetero

MelanieMartian: 'not being completely hetero'

Cliffoconda: same

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