Summer Breakers Bitch (Spring Breakers Fan Fiction)

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4 Girls,





We were in senior year of high school, I guess you could call us the IT girls. We were beautiful, fabulous, sexy, smart and badass bitches. I'm Honey by the way, you see our fucked up but wonderful summer started at a sleepover in Ginger's house whilst huddled up around her Apple laptop, the pink curtains stood out in the gloom of the room, the huge collage of fashion models could be seen in the half light and the smell of Popcorn and Whisky lingered in the room. We were watching this new movie 'Spring Breakers' that Sapphire's brother illegally downloaded off some weird site, on that night our lives changed, never would we of though that one film would change our lives. I remember looking at Sugar's neck hair stand on end and Ginger's legs produce Goosebumps as 'Britt' and 'Candy' drove off into the distance. That's what spawned the idea for our upcoming summer break, go to some random town with a big beach and fuck shit up. After the credits started rolling Sugar and I whispered in unison 'Fuck me in the ass cause I love Jesus', it was our little saying that ended up in pretty much all conversations to do with anything awesome. Oh yeah! By the way... my REAL name is Hannah but they call me Honey, Sugar is actually Sarah, Ginger is Ashley and Sapphire is Sophie, we all got the nicknames for different reasons but I'll explain that later. You see on that fateful night, we made a promise that those 6 weeks in summer were going to be the best weeks of our lives, filled with Sun, Sex and Booze.. and maybe a few narcotics along the way. Of course it was completley innapropriate for a group of 16 year old girls to be going out and doing such naughty things but as I said before, we were badass.. and tough. We weren't THAT mean although we were known for the occasional bitchy comment, we knew everything about everyone, we were tough.. real tough and our parents were rich. In some ways we could have been seen as the typical rich high school bitches but trust me we were much deeper than that, I wouldn't want to bore you. Oh and we killed someone. It wasn't some 'Pretty Little Liars' cliche, trust me it was much more complex than that but long story short, we were attacked by a group of boys but little did they know that hiding in our knickers our pussy's had a little friend, that little friend being a tazer. Of course we beat the shit out of them once most of them had run off and given up, unfortuantley one of them was a bit too greedy and kept coming at us so Sugar smashed his head open with a rock. Again.. more details about that along the way.

My story sounds badly written and a bit confusing but I'm not perfect! I just thought you lovely bitches out there should know our story. As I tell you about our rowdy summer I'll be popping in a few of our memoirs along the way to keep you interested...

Wait and watch bitches, more to come when I can be assed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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