The Same but Completely Different

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Ch 17


When we get off the plane, I can't wait for the car ride home. Uncle Paul and Aunt Jem pick us up from the airport, our bags bursting with crap we've dragged home. I have presents for Ian and Chris from all over and some new clothes, and that's about it. My time in Europe might have been educational, but it was a far cry from fun, and it certainly wasn't a vacation. I was lonely for a whole year.

"How's everything been here?" Daddy asks.

"Well, we checked on your tenants a few times, but mostly everything was good. The house needed a new hot water heater, but that's it. I think you'll find everything else is pretty much the same."

I wish Uncle Paul was right, but he's very, very wrong. As we pull in the driveway, I notice a huge change right away. Chris and Ian are sitting on our porch swing, obviously waiting, but there is something off and they are different. When the van pulls to a stop, I hop out the back, right away, and run over to greet them, pulling them into a hug.

"You've changed," Ian bluntly states.

"So have you, you're both taller and, Wow, you look older." I grin at them. They do look older, I can't quite explain it, but it's like their chests got broader and their muscles are more pronounced. There is a leanness to them that wasn't there before, and I feel cheated. They are my home, and my home is no longer the way I remember it.

"Well, you've turned into a girl—look at that skirt. Is that make-up?" Chris points out as Ian looks me up and down. I cross my arms over my chest, suddenly self conscious. While I was away, I got taller, my hips widened, and I filled out some on top.

"I guess there are some differences, but I'm still me." I really want everything to be okay. I'm sick and tired of being a stranger.

"Of course you are, Gracie." Chris breaks into a big grin, putting his arm over my shoulder, and I plant a little kiss on his cheek.

"There's a taste of Europe for you," I say, trying to cover my awkwardness. "Everyone kisses everyone."

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, this isn't France, so just don't." Ian's rudeness is like a slap, and my face falls.

"I'm sorry?"

"Enough, Grace, I know you're better than us, you know you're better than us, just keep it to yourself." Why is Ian so angry with me?

"Just ignore him, Grace, Ian's just turned sour since you've left, like a puckered little asshole." I am surprised at Chris' choice of words, but it does seem accurate so far.

"What happened?"

"Aside from you being gone? Dad moved halfway across the country and hasn't even called really." Chris informs me. I wish he had emailed me about it.

"Oh, guys, I'm so sorry." I wish Mr. Reed could be a dad like Steve is.

Ian kicks at the ground, obviously angry, "Screw you Chris, it's not like it matters."

I can feel a fight brewing, "Guys, please, I just want to be home, I've missed you both so much."

"I know Grace, us too." Chris tries to make me feel better, but it doesn't really work. Home isn't home anymore.

We unload the car and take everything in, our house full of strange smells from other people's cooking and other people's lives. It's also so much bigger than everything and everywhere we stayed in Europe, there's so much space. I'm happy to get out from under my mother's thumb, but I'm also sure that I've forgotten how to interact with other people my own age. That's pretty obvious from the way Ian treated me.

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