You're Ours Now

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(A/N: I’m so sorry for going so MIA for the past few weeks. I had to go back to school and I had multiple projects and stuff like that so please don’t  be angry with me. Well, here is the chapter! Enjoy!)

                                                            Harry’s POV

I knew something was off when I pulled into the driveway of our house. I had this weird, eerie feeling during dinner, but I pushed it to the back of my mind, thinking I was just being a bit paranoid. I just couldn’t help but feel as though someone had been hurt or even worse- killed. I shook my head, ridding myself of these thoughts, as I turned off the car, taking the key out of the ignition. I was just going crazy. Nothing happened, right? I got of the car and walked to the front door, house key prepared to unlock the door. As the others got out of the car, I put the key into the lock and twisted it, unlocking the door. I walked in and felt an eerily odd presence wash over me. I set the key down on the small table beside the front door before walking around to investigate.

“Ryleigh?!” I called out as I walked towards the living room, hearing the television playing quietly. As I entered the living room, I took notice on how the house looked so far. All the lights were off, the rooms felt cold and empty, and the only noises being made were our talking and the cartoons playing on the television. Ok, something isn’t right here. I turned back to see worried looks on the faces of the people behind me.

“Can someone please go look upstairs to see if she’s there?” I asked them, trying to hide the worry in my tone, but miserably failing. Zayn and Louis nodded and raced up the staircase. Meanwhile, the girls, Niall, Liam, and I explored downstairs, finding nothing at all. All of a sudden, Zayn and Louis came back down with saddened expressions and no Ryleigh.

“She’s not up there.” Louis announced, sadness even in his tone. We all sighed deeply before I walked into the last room we haven’t looked in yet- the kitchen. I took a deep breath and walked into the room, bracing myself for the worst. Nothing was in there. I sighed again as I ran my hand through my hair. Where is she? Then, I saw it. A folded note on the kitchen counter. I walked over and picked it up delicately in my hands.

“Guys, get in here quickly!” I yelled as I examined the outside. It was a piece of white parchment paper that looked dingy on the edges. They raced into the kitchen and came over to me, wondering what all the panic is about.

“What happened?” Perrie asked, looking around nervously.

“I found a note.” I told them as I unfolded the piece of parchment in my hands, letting my fingertips graze the smooth paper. I gazed over the words on the paper and suddenly felt my skin pale.

“Haz, what’s going on. You’re scaring us.” Zayn said frantically.

“It says:

By the time you read this, we have already left with what was ours- Ryleigh. Since you guys made our job so easy by leaving her home alone, we have decided to give you video updates on her everyday. Ta-ta for now!

-John and Sia Johnson xx.” I read aloud as a tear escaped my eye as I refolded the letter and looked back up, seeing everyone else’s reactions. It was a mixture of anger, sadness, regret, and confusion. Oh my god. I let this happen.

                                                                            Ryleigh’s POV  

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I layed flat against a soft surface. I groaned in pain as my eyes adjusted to the bright, white lights and a stedy thump of a headache formed slowly in my head. I sat up as slow as possible as I looked around at my surroundings. 

"Where am I?" I asked myself quitely aloud as I scratched the top of my head. I looked around and saw four cement walls and a small air condition vent on the 'ceiling'. I then looked below me to see a dirty, old, ratty matress that looked like it had been picked up on the side of the road. 

How did I get here?

Why am I here?

Then, all of a sudden, it all came back to me. The byes. The cartoons. The needle. The cotton sack over my head.

I  wonder if they came home yet.

I wonder if they noticed that i'm missing. 

I wonder if they even care about me. 

The opening of a heavy metal door and footsteps interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Look at what we have here. The slut is awake." Sia said to John as she laughed menacingly, her and John circling me like an eagle circles its prey. I instantly cowered in fear, my body shaking uncontrollably. Oh god no! I don't want this to happen again. 

"P-please. I'll d-do anything you tell me to. Just p-please d-don't hurt me." i said, tears of fear clouding my once clear vision.

"Well, since you asked so kindly, we wont't hurt you for now." John said, flashing me an oh-so-rememberable creepy grin. I sighed audibly in relief as my breathing grew more carefree. At least I wasn't going to be abused right now. 

"But they will." Sia added as two of my old foster parents walked in, both looking my body up and down, humming in agreement. My heart started beating erratically as fast as humanly possible as my eyes widened. Oh no. I'm screwed. 

"Have fun with her, boys. Just don't break her too much. We still have others who deserve her."  John said with a wink as him and Sia walked out the room laughing loudly, slamming the metal door behind them- mocking me. 

"Hello, princess. Did you miss daddy?" Albert asked me as he began to unbuckle his belt. 

"P-please d-dont touch me." I pleaded to them as I shook my head 'no' and backed away from them. 

"Now, now. We just want to play a fun game with you." Kellan said before putting a black blindfold over my eyes and pushing me back roughly. A pair of arms held me down as I thrashed under their grip, wanting anything besides this. Soon, I tired myself out and gave into them, hoping this would be over soon as I cried softly. 

Please. Someone save me and fast.

(A/N: How was that? Sorry if it was so short! I couldn't leave you guys hanging any longer! Comment what you think. How about 5 comments and 10 votes for the next chapter?



Comment xxJailin)

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