Who Are You?

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[ Name ] paused from her unnecessary yelling to look around for whoever had yelled that name before hearing something hit against wood. That and a very girlish scream

All coming from the room across the hallway

She narrowed her eyes before walking over, albeit cautiously, to the door in the room. She then yanked it open before gasping loudly when something fell out and landed on her

"Oh hey, Stephano! It's just a lady~!"

[ Name ] looked up at the person and blushed red, seeing as they were so close to each other

The person didn't seem to mind at all though and smirked "Nice to meet you! My name is Piggeh!"

[ Name ] was about to retort when he was rather violently pulled away from her. She looked up to see that a golden man--quite literally--had pulled him up by his collar. He had a golden sword--trust me, this man was golden--and pointed the tip at Piggeh's chest "What did I say about attacking helpless girls?

"We've never had helpless girls in the game, Stephano!" Piggeh whined

Stephano just sighed exasperatedly before dropping Piggeh--quite harshly, if I may add--to the ground before turning to [ Name ] "I'm very sorry for my friend's behaviour. He's an ass."

"A sexy ass~!" Piggeh added from his position on the floor

[ Name ] slowly nodded before taking the hand that Stephano had offered. Stephano then pulled her up and she smiled at him thankfully "My name is [ Name ] but you can call me [ Nickname ]!"

"Stephano." The golden man retorted before letting go of her hand "And that's Piggeh as you already know. Pewds is somewhere around here with Mr. Chair. I told him to hide but..."


"Pewdiepie." Stephano answered [ Name's ] question "He's the one who girlishly called my name."

"He's awesome." Piggeh added yet again from his position on the floor

[ Name ] nodded slowly before offering Piggeh her hand "Do you need help?"

Piggeh blinked, looking rather astonished--Stephano was surprised too--before taking her hand and standing up "Thanks!"

"You're welcome!" [ Name ] chirped happily before turning to Stephano "Now, let's go find your friend Pewdie! I'm stuck here so I might as well help..."

Both of them were even more surprised but guessed that she was either: 1.) insane, 2.) manipulating them or 3.) she was just that innocent.

But both of them went for it anyway, nodding though nothing stopped Piggeh from wrapping his arm around your shoulders "Sure! Let's go!"

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