20: Final Farewells

Start from the beginning

"No you can't. Not against Crowley's army of demons. They outnumber the angels four to one."

Nobody had any answer to that. It seemed impossible, but it was true.

"Now," I quickly leaped next to Sam and Dean and placed my fingers on their foreheads, teleporting them to the Green Room. I did Gail next. "Who's going?" I asked the angels.

"Wha- they don't get a choice but we do?" Cas asked.

"Well you don't really get a choice either," I leaped over and teleported Cas to the safe house. "You do, though." I said to Gabriel.

"What about the Harwins?" Gabriel asked.

"What about them?" I questioned.

"Don't you think you should rescue them too?"

"No, not really." I said matter-of-factly, "They never helped anyone; Not me, not Gail, not Heaven or Earth."

"Oh, well then." Gabriel said. He thought for a moment, then pointed at the Samulet around my neck. "When did that happen?"

"Wha- what do you mean?"

"It's enchanted."

"No, it's not."

"Yes it it." He tilted his head. "Looks like Luci's handiwork."

"How-" Realization dawned on me. He had enchanted it when he took it from me in Atlanta. Then he gave it back to protect me from Micheal in Annapolis.

I guess it was kind of sweet that he cared that much, but at the same time, he could have at least told me that he had messed with it.

"Well, then, okay. It's enchanted. So are you going to go to the Green Room with me?"

"No, I'm good."

"Please, Gabriel, I'm begging you."

"I'm a big archangel, Kei. I can take care of myself." He kissed my forehead, "I hope you will too." He poofed away.

I wiped away the kiss and stomped my foot in frustration, then teleported to the little pub in Lebanon.

I saw Kyle Spencer washing down the bar. He looked up, and was started by the sight of me. "Hi, Keistelle." He greeted me.

"Kyle," I began, "What I'm about to tell you is going to be hard to understand, but pay attention. The apocalypse is about to begin. I'm going to start it. It's only a matter of time. I'm going to take you to a safe house with angels. It will keep you safe."

"But- how- why me?"

"You helped me out in my darkest hour. And, as a wise man once said, actions speak louder than words."

"Oh, well, it was nothing."

"Sometimes nothing is just what someone needs." I placed two fingers on Kyle's forehead, and teleported him to the Green Room and myself to Bobby's house.

I found myself with a splash of holy water to the face, salt all over my clothes, and a sliver knife dragged across my arm.

I winced in pain. "Good, you're not a demon or a shifter," Bobby concluded.

"Of course I'm not!"

"Good. Now, what do you need?" He asked coldly. Bobby obviously wasn't over the whole 'possession of his lover' thing.

"The Apocalypse is going to begin very soon. I'm going to take you to a safe house."

"Wha-" I cut him off by grabbing his hand a teleporting us to the Green Room.

The Winchester brothers, along with Gail, Cas, and Kyle, sat in wait of me when I arrived in the safe house.

"I can't believe you angel-proofed the Green Room." Cas said, shaking his head.

"Yes, well, desperate times call for desperate measures." I responded. "Now, listen up everyone. I've brought you here because you mean something to me. And, as sappy as it sounds, I love you all. Even you, Kyle. You're all good people." I paused. "Also, I need to talk with Dean in private."

Dean got up, and I motioned for him to follow me to a corner of the room. "What?" He asked.

I pulled off the Samulet. "Dean, if I don't make it back-"

"Don't say that. Of course you'll make it back."

"No, but, if I don't, promise me- promise me that you won't forget me."

"You're going to make it back."

"I'm trusting you with my legacy, Dean, now promise me."

He wrapped me in a tight hug, "I promise I'll never forget you."

I hugged back, "Thanks." After a few moments, he released me. Then, I looped the Samulet over Dean's neck. "It's enchanted. It'll protect you from angelic power."

"Thanks." He rubbed the necklace.

I grabbed his hand and led him back to the others. "Okay everyone, listen up. I might not return, so this is my last goodbye. I'll miss you all." I turned away, but thought better of it, and turned back around, tears in my eyes, to face them, "I'm sorry."

I teleported away to the crossroads.

Crowley waited for me at the there. He was picking his nails when I appeared.

"Hello, Keistelle."

"Let's just get this over with, Crowley."

"Fine." He grabbed my hand, and we teleported away.

Alright, we're two-thirds of the way done! Yay for that! Also, thanks for reading!! If you enjoyed, please vote and comment, because it would be grand if you did.

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