Chapter 9

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It was the end of the school year and happiness was in the air. Future graduates, elated to finally leave, juniors excited to become seniors. To say everyone felt joy was an understatement. 

However, there was a small group of friends who faced a great deal of turmoil.

"Cold please, just talk to him," Ryan pleaded dramatically, his hands clasped and his eyes closed

"Not going to happen, Ryan," Cold replied for the third time rolling her eyes.

"Listen, I understand that you're some new, fancy, water-breathing creature, but Nate has become a brooding, flaming, mess. All he does is sulk and burn, sulk and burn! Over and over again and I'm asthmatic, I can't handle all of that smoke."

"You're not asthmatic." 

"Can't you just let me be dramatic for once?!"

Cold always admired Ryan's ability to make light of any situation. She knew her friends wanted things to return to normal. They wanted to have lunch together once more, to poke fun at each other and steal each other's food. 

To hang out at the same time and not be divided. She knew that her and Nate's relationship had subtly made everyone choose sides, but she wasn't ready to face him. 

Yes, she saw what happened between Jason and Nate on that horrific night, but she wasn't ready to hear the full story behind the tragic event. 

Nor was she ready to confront him about what she did. Though his actions hurt her, she felt ashamed that she nearly killed him in a fit of supernatural rage. On the other hand, she knew she had to mend bridges, especially if they were to work together against the hunters.

"Cold, Ryan's right," Jaycell commented.

"Thank you," Ryan retorted rolling his eyes.

"You guys have to put this behind you. We have a lot to get done and considering the hunter's silence after the attack..."

Jaycell didn't have to finish that thought, Cold already knew what she was going to say. With a response like that, they didn't know when or where they'd strike next.

In the past, the hunters responded quickly and violently. But the silence was uneasy. No one knew what was next and they needed to be prepared for anything.

"I know. It's just, that I'm not ready," Cold shrugged, slouching in her seat.

"I understand, but it has to be done," Jaycell comforted. Ryan reached over and gave her hand a tight squeeze.


Nate sat quietly in his room, thinking. He had just returned home and was alone. What better time to reflect than this? His mind was filled with questions and concerns. What if the hunters caught him? He was a target after all. 

Would his death be quick or would it be slow and torturous? Were his newfound abilities going to put a target on his family's back? What about Ryan? What about Brie? Would they be hurt because of what he became? 

He already had blood on his hands, he didn't want another person to die because of his selfishness. 

But was he selfish for choosing the bliss that the ocean offered? Was he selfish not wanting to feel the self-hatred and anger?

Nate had felt trapped for years, and now he was free. Was it selfish to choose freedom? Maybe it was, especially if it meant your freedom would hurt the one person who meant everything to you.

At the thought of Cold, he felt the fire cruise through his veins. He hoped that he could have lived his entire life without her knowing the truth. That he loved her, that he wanted her, and in trying to get what he wanted, he took away what he quickly realised to be her happiness. 

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