Chapter 5--The Beast's Castle

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A twig. Of all things to step on, I stepped on a twig.

The wolf howled then came charging forward, directly toward us.


I didn't know who screamed that word. It may have been me, or it may have been the both of us. The carriage was only a few feet away to begin with, but we were both too stupid to get into it when the wolf showed up. The driver jumped onto his horse as I scrambled into the carriagе. I didn't get a chance to close the door because a big, clawed paw blocked me. My eyes grew wide. Somebody was screaming but I couldn't tell who. The head of the wolf was in the space with me, snapping its jaws, trying to bite whatever it could.

Then it yelped. Unconsciously, I had plunged my dagger into its neck. Warm blood ran down my hand as I yanked the dagger out from its jaw.

The wolf was dead.

I stared at it in shock. I had never killed anything before. The dead animal was pulled backward and I noticed the driver. His face was still very pale, and his hands were visibly shaking.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." My voice shook. "Thank you Mr.--" suddenly I realized I didn't know the driver's name. I looked at him apologetically. He grinned or did the closest thing to a grin that he could.

"Camden. No mister to it, Miss."

"Thank you, Camden."

Camden smiled again. "No, Miss. Thank you."


The rest of the ride to the castle was relatively painless. No more creatures attacked us, but we also didn't stop again. Neither Camden nor I said anything about the guard that had accompanied us, but we both assumed that he had been killed by the wolf. I rode up front with Camden the rest of the way, helping guide him the best I could. When we reached the edge of the forest, the horse jerked to a stop.

"This is as far as I'm allowed to go, Miss."

My heart pounded in my chest as I looked at the castle in front of me. A wide walkway paved with stones ran all the way to the drawbridge in a curvy line from the entrance. I sucked in my breath.

Here goes nothing.

As I started to walk, I looked back at Camden as he left. A nod and a small wave was our exchange of goodbyes.

I hope he gets back home alive. Then again, I don't think any other creatures will attack him.

Panicked thoughts of what I'd do when I got inside the palace circled around in my head as I approached the drawbridge.

King Regol said to kill the beast. What if I can't bring myself to take a life again, even though the first one I took was a wild animal?

An unthought idea surfaced to the front of my mind. What if this beast kills me first?

I couldn't imagine what the beast would look like. I guessed something horrible, terrible, grotesque even. But what if he looked normal?

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