Just the way it used to be

Começar do início

Yila: What i was just saying

Jess: ummm actually im expecting too

Kyle: Really?!?!?

Yila: Oh congrats

she actually smiled at me

Jess: thanks 

Yila: So thats why you are covering up

Jess: Not really

Kyle: do you guys wanna go for a swim?

Yila: Yh babe

Jess: Actually i just wanna relax

Yila: okay you do that then

Kyle: see you in a few

Jess: Sure

they both started heading for the water i just pulled out my phone and i got a text from chris saying

" Jess just to let you know i will be back in LA and this time to live there so see you in about a week or so"

i was happy he was coming back and this time i will get to see crystal most of the time 

i hope she remembers me

i was pacing back and forth because i had the worse pain in my stomach i just hope this baby is okay

Kyle noticed and started walking back to me with Yila on his side

Kyle: Are you ok?

Jess: i think so its just i'm having pain 

Yila: where?

Jess: My stomach

Yila: i think we should take you to the doctors

Jess: No i'm gonna be fine

Yila: No your not my doctor said if i have pain in my stomach i need to go to the hospital

Jess: okay lets go then

Why the hell is Yila being so nice to me?

i hope she's nice to me in the future

we made it to the doctors and waited for me to be called

Random nurse: Jess Carter

Jess: Here 

Random nurse: Right this way please

i followed her into a room and took a seat

Random nurse: Hi Jess my name is nurse Jenkins and what seems to be the problem?

Jess: im having pain in my stomach and im pregnant 

Nurse Jenkins: ok i need to do  a ultrasound

Jess: ok

i lifted me top up and felt a cold gooy thing plop on my belly and she started the ultrasound 

Nurse Jenkins: Everything seems to be fine i think your having pain because of cramps but you and the baby will be just fine

I thanked her and she wiped my belly and i left 

Kyle was still there but Yila wasnt

Jess: Wheres Yila?

Kyle: She went home with her friend 

Jess: Oh okay

Kyle: So is everything ok?

Jess: Yh she just said that i might be having so cramps thats all

Kyle: Is the baby okay?

Jess: Yh i guess

Kyle: cool i guess i should drop you home

Jess: okay 

the whole ride back to my place was silent 

Kyle: so i will see you next time?

Jess: Maybe

with just that i closed the door and waved bye then walked back to the hotel

and just went to sleep

7 months later

Jess P.O.V

To me my belly is massive 


I'm Having a baby boy 

Im going to name him Dylan

Chris has been taking me baby shopping and i finally moved into a house and crystal will be living with me soon and this is just great but whats weird is i havent heard from tessy in ages i mean cause shes like my sister but if she doesnt want to call me then i wont call her but whatever

Kyle's P.O.V

In 2 Months im gonna be a dad that is so exciting and im expecting A drum roll please


Thats gonna be a lot of  work i mean with the boy friend trouble and all i mean ERGGH 

But at least Yila is happy

Yila: 2 more months and thats it 

Kyle: Yep

we decided to call her tasha 

it will be wonderful

thanks for reading 

the last chapter is the next one

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Jess and yila belly on the side xx

Trying to get to you <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora