Crystal party

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Jess P.O.V: Today was the day of my baby girl party and Cassie is coming with her son and i find it so cute and plus i havent seen them in ages so its gonna be grat and once again Kyle is doing Crystal's hair and dressing her up while i get ready which gives me time to curl my hair and yes i dyed my hair back to black and this time i'm gonna leave it like this i cant really be asked to dye it again and kyle says i have a problem with dying my hair so much and i think he could be right but wate i do wat i want wiv my hair

i headed to the shower and started sing dont think they know by chris brown... After i finished taking a shower i got ready and i saw crystal watching tv while kyle was putting his outift on it was PENG!!!

Kyle: U  look sexy * winks*

Jess: U dont look bad yourself

Kyle: Really? is that all u can say?

Jess: pretty much * smiles*

Kyle: Girl u tripping

Jess: Kyle just shut up u sound like my friend cassie 

Kyle: will she be at the party?

Jess: yh why?

Kyle: Just asking chill babe

Jess: lets go we got to be the first on there

Kyle: iight

We headed to the party venue and Cassie was outside with dennis

Cassie: Hi

Jess: Hey Y u here so early?

Cassie: i Just wanted to help that's all

Jess: kk thanks oo and bye the way this is kyle my bf

Cassie: oh hey i thought u were with chris

Jess: gave up on him ages ago

Cassie: iight

we headed inside and started setting up ...

I saw Dennis and Crystal playing they looked cute together .... actually they could be together wen they grow up .. Dennis was 1 as well but his birthday was a few days back anyway back to setting up

Will chris still come?

Will this party go wrong?

Keep reading to find out

Crystal on the side>>>

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