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Jess P.O.V: I was woken up by crystal's crying i guess she was hungry so i got up and went to make some milk for her #itshardbeingamother.... i saw kyle in the kitchen he was eating but he seems sad

Jess: Morning!

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Jess: are u gonna give me silent treament now? * glares at him*

Kyle: Y didnt u tell me u had a baby?

Jess: because i thought that she was taken to care and she was out of my life for good * puts milk in crystal's bottle*

Kyle: but u could have at least told me

Jess: Y do u have to know?

Kyle: u dont get it do u ??

Jess: u know wat i dont have time i have to feed crystal * gets cut off*

Kyle: Crystal is a nice name ... wen i have a baby girl i always wanted to name her crystal

Jess: wat the hell is wrong wiv u ? u sound like a mad man u need to chill so can u stop * sighs* i need to get crystal ready so i can take her back to chris

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