Where am I?

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I looked around. I was really scared. I didn't know where I was! I don't think this is Whitechapel! But that street sign said it was. I was very confused. In hopes I would see someone, I walked around. My footsteps echoing in the empty streets. I had the strange feeling that I was being followed. I took of my Top Hat and swiped the sweat off my forehead. I looked around, but there were only a few lights and I couldn't see anyone.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and a shadow swept into the darkness. Was someone following me? "Hello?", I called out. I didn't expect someone to answer, it seemed like it was very late. I looked at the Top Hat. "It's all your fault I came here.", I told it. I think the darkness was driving me crazy. I heard footsteps again, but this time, they came from the front. Someone was running towards me! I froze still, looking for somewhere to hide, as the person stopped infront of me. I held on to my Top Hat.

I looked up, and a man was standing infront of me. He had a tan, brown hair, and wore dirty, ragged clothes. "Oh, hello, young lad, what are you doing here?", he asked. We were standing right under a lantern.

"I don't know either, I don't belong here!", I answered.

"Well, a boy like you shouldn't be running around this late! He is still out there, to be honest, you kind of remind me of him!", the man said. "I'm Jeffrey, who are you, boy? Where's your home?"

"I'm Nick. My home is here, but at the same time it's not. You see, I was standing infront of it, but now I'm here.", I explained.

"Well, you must be lost then! Your family must be pretty rich, when you're dressed this way!", Jeffrey meant.

"Well, they're not that rich", I said, turning the hat in my hands.

"Come, I'll take you to my cottage. Maybe the police will know what to do with you!" Jeffrey giggled, leading the way. His company gave me a sense of security.

I nervously followed him to a small wooden cottage, where the light was burning. We went through the door. A woman with a tan, dirty dress and brown, long and wavy hair stood inside. She seemed angry. "Jeffrey! What did I tell you about going out this late!", she screamed. "Were you at the Ten Bells again? You know that HE is still out there!"

"I'm sorry Martha, but this boy here was lost and I had to help him!", Jeffrey explained.

I waved the woman a hello. She stared at me and smiled. "He looks like a wealthy boy! Say, where are your parents?" Martha asked.
I turned the Top Hat in my hands, thinking.
"At home", I answered.

"And where's your home?"

"I don't know."

"Ah gee, you really are lost. You can stay here for the night, and in the morning, we'll call the police." Martha said and I nodded.

Martha prepared a blanket and a pillow on a spare mattress for me. "You can sleep here. Now, good night!" Martha blew out the candle and went out of the room.

I laid down and closed my eyes. The mattress felt a bit tough, but I fell asleep right away anyways, since I was quite tired.

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