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The next day, I called Jack to come over. "Sure thing!", he said. As Jack came, I showed him my new prized possession. "Wow", said Jack.

"It just came here yesterday! It's the last thing I needed for my costume!", I meant proudly and held it up. It was black and had a dark-black ribbon. 

"Put it on!", Jack demanded. I put the top hat on, and suddenly I was feeling dizzy, as if the room was spinning around. I put it back off and sat down on my bed. "Nick, everything ok?", he asked.

"Yeah, just feeling a little bit dizzy", I answered.

"Maybe the top hat's a little too tight", Jack guessed.

"I don't think so, it's actually for adults, so it would fit me", I said, turning my top hat in my hands.

"Maybe you're just too fat!", shouted Jack and pinched me. I let out an angry growl. I hated being called fat. I'm just a little chubby.

"Whatever it is, I guess I should send it back", I mumbled.

"No! You can't just put months of searching away like that!", meant Jack. "Let me try it!" He grabbed my top hat and put it on.

"Feeling dizzy yet?", I asked. Jack shook his head and put it back off.
"Weird, I was definitely feeling dizzy!", I meant. Jack just shrugged.

Then he had to go, and I stayed in my room alone. I wondered what could have caused the dizziness. It was probably just the top hat. But, Halloween was just two days from now, and I couldn't give it back. Maybe I should sleep over it, and maybe tell Rose about it, she usually knows very much. She's our nerd. So, I just decided to sleep. Everything will be fine tomorrow.

Top Hat Of DoomWhere stories live. Discover now