Part Two

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"STILES WAKE UP- oh who is Mr. Sexy over here?" Erica, one of Stiles good friends and seamstress, came in asking.
Derek who had been up since dawn, meditating quietly on his cot, had jumped up in surprise as if he were ready for an attack. Seeing there was no danger, he blushed a million shades of red, but bowed his head respectfully to the girl. Erica looked slightly starstruck.

Stiles groaned into his pillow, preparing himself for the millions of questions that would be coming his way, "What do you want Erica?" He asked still half asleep.

The sun coming in through the window was too bright for his eyes. And he didn't want to get out from under the wool blankets that were keeping him toasty warm.
"Stiles, you slept you do everyday. You have a suitor arriving in an hour, and Lydia will have my head and yours if we don't get you to her in the next ten minutes." Stiles rolled his eyes, and let out another groan before burrowing himself deeper into the covers. He wasn't moving, not even his fear of Lydia's anger was enough to motivate him.
Then, all of a sudden, he was cold. His blankets were torn away from him, and the pillow was pulled out from under his head. Stiles rubbed his eyes, blinking the sleep out of them, and was about to yell at Erica, but instead came face to face with the General.

"Get up," he said, watching Stiles, just daring him to challenge him. Stiles stared at the man in shock, Mr. Alpha had picked the wrong person to mess with.
"I'll be out in a second Erica, go back to Lydia," Stiles said sternly, without so much as glancing her way.
Erica on the other hand couldn't take her eyes off the two, wanting to watch the fight go down, but begrudgingly complied with his wishes.

And then Stiles was once again alone with the Alpha, but this time he wasn't afraid. They both waited a moment seeing who would break the silence first, the air between them charged with tension.
"You do know this means war, General," he said. The man in question only smiled slyly,"Call me Derek, and think of it as payback for yesterday."
Stiles got up and took a step closer to the man, to the point where their noses were practically touching,"If anyone should be getting payback for yesterday it should be me. I'm not the one scaring the shit out of people in the woods."

As if a switch flipped, Derek wrapped his arm around Stiles waist, growling slightly. Stiles could feel himself blushing as Derek pulled him closer. But, the touch wasn't supposed to be comforting, it was to let the omega know that the Alpha was in charge. Stiles mentally rolled his eyes, if Derek thought he was going to backdown that easily he had another thing coming.

"Language your highness. And if I remember correctly I backed down. I did exactly as you asked, and then what happened?" Derek asked knowing Stiles already knew the answer. Stiles stood there glaring, not giving the Alpha the pleasure of seeing him squirm.

"Now we're even." Derek said with a smirk, and let Stiles go, thinking he had won. The omega raised his eyebrows in disbelief, and pressed himself back up against Derek.
Derek gave Stiles a questioning look, but didn't back away, instead leaning into the omega as if on instinct.
Stiles ran his hand through the Alphas raven hair, making the man purr. Stiles smiled at him before pulling his head down by his hair, forcefully. Derek let out a warning growl, but Stiles payed no mind.
"Oh no, Derek," Stiles whispered into his ear,"This is war."

What happened next, well Stiles would never know, because a certain red headed omega was pounding on the door.

Now he was afraid.


"Remember, be polite, and act submissive. Let him take the lead, and don't make him angry please," Lydia reminded him for the millionth time as she went around fixing his long flowing dress. He felt beautiful, Lydia wouldn't let him look any less.

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