Part One

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OMG this is so weird that I'm finally publishing this is like my baby I'm finally sharing with people omg anyway hope you enjoy and without further adue this is Never enough(of you)

The wind blew through the mighty trees, getting stronger as the sun began to set. The coolness from the breeze started to seep into the boy's body through his bare chest and light flowing skirt. It was made from the finest of fabric, but was too thin to keep him warm in the temperatures. Yet, he didn't mind.

Stiles knew he was lucky for the time being. Normally his father, Cheif of the tribe, had his protectors following him around all day keeping track of him...driving him nuts. Make no mistake Stiles loved his protecters, Scott and Allison, they were some of his best friends, but he needed space. No doubt if they saw him right now news would get back to his father. And if his father were to see him, he'd be in deep shit. At the least, the Chief would force him to put a shirt on, and chastise him a bit. Stiles rolled his eyes, picturing the lecture he would get,
"Alpha's in the tribe might not be able to control themselves around the beautiful, pale, mole covered skin you have." (que dramatic sigh)

Stiles rolled his eyes at the thought, he should be able to do whatever he liked with his body without having to worry about knot head Alphas. But, alas, that wasn't the way the world worked. Even if it did, no one in the tribe wanted to date him. He was well aware that he wasn't considered beautiful, so really there should have been no problem.

Stiles took a deep breath, releasing the tension in his body. He didn't want to disturb the peaceful mindset he was previously in.

So, he continued on, trying to forget his worries as he walked down the rivers edge plucking herbs and berries while humming a little tune. This was the first time in weeks he had gotten a moment to himself. Between the suitors, and the planning, and the guests arriving...

Stiles clenched his hands into fists crushing the berries and causing the sticky juice to run down his wrist. Forgetting about his troubles wasn't on the agenda apparently.

Stiles knew, in five days it would be his eighteenth birthday. And when an omega turned eighteen their bodies became fertile, which lead to heat. Yes in five or six days Stiles would have to find a mate to help him through his first heat. So far he'd seen ten suitors, none had caught his eye.

Stiles poor father was ready to pull his graying hair out in frustration, and even the boy himself would admit he was giving his father a hard time. Stiles knew his dad just wanted the best for him, knew he just wanted him to have a safe first heat, but the Alphas who kept trying to win his affections, made him want to rip his hair out in frustration.

Yet, Stiles knew he had to choose someone or else his first heat would be a very unpleasant experience.

Of course, it was possible for omegas to go through heat alone. But, it was a well known fact that without help heats were tremendously painful and longer then they would be with a mate. Stiles had heard the cries of pain from an omega alone in heat first hand. It was in fact a friend of his, Lydia Martin, and it was before she had found her mate, Allison Argent, one of his protectors.
The night after Lydia turned eighteen her heat started. Her pained cries could be heard by the entire tribe. The wails had echoed throughout the forest, piercing his ears forcing him to stay awake at night with fear...fear that those sound could be coming from him one day. So yes, Stiles knew he had to pick a suitor to mate with, but he wanted someone he felt love for, not some random douchebag. Was that really too much to ask?
Apparently it was.

Stiles sighed, plopping himself down by the waters edge, letting the little waves wash over his bare feet. He closed his eyes, trying to focus in on the sounds around him. It always amazed the boy how much more you could see, simply by listening.
Birds in the trees sang as they took off from their nests, a near by deer could be heard prancing throughout the forest, fallen leaves crunched under the weight of a man's footsteps...

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