Chapter 18: Back Home

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   When the plane landed back, Me and my team felt so happy and excited to be back home.

"Ahh, I didn't know that I would miss this place so much?" Mac said while rolling over the ground.

"Im happy to just survive that earthquake." Lily said while trying to pick up Mac from the ground.

Why do they always act like 5 year old? ""Anyway, I'll be going now. My husband called me 16 times."

"Wait? Cathy. You have a husband you never told me!" Mac said shocked. "Well, looks like you haven't heard the gossip. Oh well."

"Cathy, wait!" Lily said chasing Cathy. "C'mon let's go we don't want to stay here for too long." I said leading the way.

   "Captain..." One of the soldiers looked at me and said.

"We lost the connection." As soon as I heard that I felt the ground shake.

"IT'S AN AFTERSHOCK!" We soon all went to the field and tried  to evacuate the patients.
   "Mam, we're here." The cab driver said.

I handed the money and went to the house. I dropped my bags and luggage on the floor.

I checked my phone which was off the whole time. When I saw how many miss calls I had, I checked who it was and it was my parents.

Oh shoot! I forgot to greet them! Ughh they are probably freaking out right now.

I rushed out the house and went to the hotel they were in.

I knocked on the door and when my mom saw me she rushes to hug me. My dad joined and soon we were all squeezed.

When my parents made me look around we of course couldn't avoid the discussion of what happened and where I was.

After that, they finally asked me. "So, Cass. Did you meet anyone yet." Mom said eyeing me.

"Is that how you greet your one and only daughter?" I said trying to change the subject.

"Don't try to change the topic Cass. So tell me is there anyone you met yet?" Dad said hope in his eyes.

   When the aftershock was gone, all the patients went back to the center.

"We got a signal!" A soldier said. "Hello? Captain? Can you here us?"

We just heard rocks falling and finally we heard someone's voice.

"Hello? Is this the rescue team! Help help there is a dead man here he got hit by the rocks."

   When I was walking back home, I realized that I haven't talked to Ian yet.

I ran to his house and knocked three times. When he opened the door I jumped and hugged him.

"Did you miss me?" I said smiling at him. "Well, you weren't able to talk last time so yeah I sort of did."

"Yeah.... About that." He gave me a confused look. This is going to be tough to say to Ian.

   "Do not worry, we will send a rescue team. So please be patient." The soldier said running out of the tent.

(Zach's POV:)

I woke up and noticed I was lying on the ground. "What happened?"

"Oh! Your a wake! The soldiers sent a rescue team to help us they will be here soon." The worker said.

I tried to get up but I was too weak. I gave up and just lied there. Helpless and useless.

I felt dizzy and closed my eyes again. I saw a beam of light near us. With that, I fell asleep again.

I woke up from a bed and saw Cassidy injecting something. "Don't worry, I'm not injecting you with something that has poison." She said still not looking at me.

"Where's the other guy?" I said sitting up from the bed. "You need to rest first and he is fine." I felt easy and went back to rest.

"Ian, remember the favor I asked you before?" "Yes, what about it. Did you tell your parents about it being fake?"

"Umm, well. Not yet my dad just asked me and I said no." "So, you're not letting me continue the favor you asked me to do?"

"You see... During the trip I-" Before I could finish my sentence Ian cut me off. "You met someone." Ian said looking disappointed. "Ian, it's not that. I ran into Zach."

Just as he was about to speak. His phone rang. He answered the call. After a few mins. He said while rushing to get his jacket.

"Zach is in the hospital, we need to go there now!" I called a taxi and me and Ian went rushing to the ER. "Ian, you can't go in. I'll inform you if something happens." I wore my coat and saw another guy who had multiple gun shots. And Zach who had blood covered all over him.

We were already delayed for our flight so me and my team arrived in the airport at night. As I was about to go inside the plane I heard Zach call me.

"Cass, could I talk to you for a sec?" "Sure, what is it?" I said going down the stairs.

"When we go back. Me and the team still have a mission. It is very dangerous." "And why are you telling me this?"

"I'm telling you this because I might not make it out alive. That's all." He started walking back to the field.

What Zach just told me made me nervous and afraid for some reason. Just as I was about to call out Zach's name. Somebody else shouted my name.

"C'mon Cass, do you want to miss your flight?" Mac said waving at me. I ran up the stairs and sat at my assigned seat. I saw the General sitting  at the same row as me. So I took the chance to ask him a question.

"Excuse me, General. Why isn't the Captain and the others here?" He faces me and gave me an amused look. "You must be Cassidy, my name is General Lance, they are not here because they still need to help with the disaster. Do not worry, they will be back when there is an available plane."

   "C'mon Zach, wake up. Wake up!" We had to use the defibrillator. "CLEAR."

When I saw the monitor he was alive. That made me feel relived. As soon as the patient was changed into clean clothes, they were brought to a room.

When it was my break I went inside the room and took a glance to see if Zach was awake yet. My surgery was successful again.

I wondered what happened to him and that other guy. He was definitely not a soldier since he wasn't wearing a uniform.

As soon as I checked the time I had to get back to my shift since it was becoming night. Ugh. We arrived this morning and now I couldn't sleep.

I left the room quietly, and went to my office.

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