Chapter 3: His Friend

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   "The girl I like is..." He said with hesitation."Who!?" I know I know, I was being to curious but like they say 'Curiosity killed the cat'.

"She's...a girl I met during my vacation, her name is Maya." When he said that I immediately gave him a tight hug and said" CONGRATS! You finally have a girlfriend yay!" I said in the happiest tone I could do.

"But you should not focus on my story." He said when I released him. "What do you mean?" He gave a small laugh " What I mean is that we should be talking about your story, so did you meet someone yet?"

"*sigh* no not yet." I decided not to tell him about my past relationship. Just the thought of it wanted me to slap that jerk in the face." Umm, Cassidy are you okay? You have been staring at the floor?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah yeah I'm fine I was just thinking about something." "Yeahhh sureee." He said with a grin on his face. "Yes it's nothing im fine." I said with a small smile.

"Oh yeah! I also met a new friend during duty!" Duty? Ph that means he is a soldier? I never thought he would become that?! "I think you will like him Cass." He said with a smirk on his face. " Look, im not really interested with soldiers." " But every girl has a crush on him!" " Who is he anyway?" "Don't worry. You will be meeting him soon." He gave an evil grin which made me laugh slightly.

" Whatever, I doubt that I will fall for him." I started walking back to my office. " When can I visit you again" he said. " Ian, we are practically
neighbors, we live in the same village you can come to my house whenever your free." He started walking to the elevator and I took a sigh of relief and went inside my office.

As I sat in my chair I realized that I had no schedule or no patient so I just spent my free time daydreaming. When it was already night time I took all my things and left the hospital. While I was walking a received a text from Ian.

Ian: Where are you?
Cassidy: I just left the hospital. Y?
Ian: K, i just wanted to know if you're okay.

After a few mins:
  When I got home I took a nice warm shower, changed to my pj's and went to bed..... When I woke up I noticed someone calling me. So I picked up without checking who was calling this early in the morning." CASS, I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU, I WILL MEET YOU IN YOUR HOUSE BE READY BY 10!" With that he hung up.
   EEKKK, cant wait for next chapter I have something exciting in my mind. Anyways I hoped you like this chapter and continue reading if you like this book.

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