Chapter Three: Special Aura

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"Hey Moyenne?" Obi looked at Moyenne and her eyes darted around until the golden beauties met his eyes. "Yeah?" Obi put his usual pose and looked up at the sky. "Would you hate me if I said you were beautiful?" Moyenne immediately dropped her eyes to the ground and smiled, "No- No I wouldn't. Not at all, handsome!" she teased and she punched his arm playfully. Obi put his hand on her shoulder and smirked, "You are special, you know that?"

"How so?" she blankly stared.

"You just seem to have a.... a special aura and way about you. It's the way you talk, walk, everything. I think you'll be a great guard," he took his hand off of her shoulder and put it in his pocket, "You know, if you need any tips about being a guard, I'm here." She giggled quirkily and shook her head, "I used to protect a princess, I think I know what I'm doing, haha," she bent down and looked at a butterfly on a Tulip. Obi looked around and sat down. He pulled her down with him. She landed on his lap, "Now now, don't get hasty, miss," Obi raised his eyebrow and her face spritzed with red and she pushed herself off. She put her back against his as the wind blew through their hair. They both smiled, and Obi spoke, "Now.. are you ready to be put to the first test?" Before Moyenne could respond, Obi already had her in a lock, and she easily broke free, "Heh, whenever you're ready."

(I will continue this chapter I promise!)

Akagami No ShirayukiHime: Obi's New Love (Obi X Moyenne ~OC~)Where stories live. Discover now