Chapter Two: Guard

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So, here, Moyenne's quest begins, and Obi's love for her starts. Love always takes two people for it to truly work out in both favors. Now... will Moyenne accept Obi's request? Let's find out, in the long journey of Akagami No Shirayuki Hime. It's time for Moyenne to find a close friend, find a wingman, and find her true love, even after all the bad things she's done in the past. She'll finally find someone to love her for her.

Moyenne fell behind- it was hard for her to keep up with Obi. He loved that she was slower, a little more immature than him. He slowed down just enough for her face to crush into his back. She stopped and stood still as he turned around and put his hand on her head, "Sorry for stopping suddenly like that, are you alright?" Obi smiled and looked down into her eyes. She smiled slightly and put her arms down, "Yeah, I'm fine, I guess I just have to pay more attention to where I'm going.." her voice trailed off into a quiet mumble and he winked at her. He proceeded to keep walking and  they eventually got to the woods. She looked up at the beautiful trees around her, taking in the view. Only a few people like her would be able to gaze at the amazing and breath-taking scenery of Clerines.

Obi- he smiled at her gazing and open-minded face. She was beautiful, her tan skin- her golden eyes, dragon eyes.. strange like his. Blue hair, so uncommon just like Shirayuki's. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't be able to find happiness, since Shirayuki was with Zen.

But now.. Obi and Moyenne were about to experience love and embracing affection like no other. Although, Zen and Shirayuki would like to prove otherwise.

~A/N: I won't put any Author's notes usually, but only to thank you guys for reading. 50 views ALREADY! WOW!!! omg <3! I promise I'll keep updating, I love you guys.~

Akagami No ShirayukiHime: Obi's New Love (Obi X Moyenne ~OC~)Where stories live. Discover now