'Paiga, I don't know. But I know the people we saw weren't the people we love. Our DeNaga relatives, those we worked with and played with everyday, they weren't trying to kill us. Those people you saw yesterday, I think something made them sick.'

'But if they're sick shouldn't we help them?' Paiga's sloping eyebrows drew close together, making her look like she was about to cry. Mama gave her a tight hug.

'They don't want our help. We have to respect that. We also have to look after ourselves first.'

'Why didn't they just ask us to leave?' Paiga whispered.

'What's the hold up?' Uncle Gydon called. 'Talk and walk, we need more space between us and them.'

Mama offered her arms to Paiga, lifting the girl onto her hip as they walked. It caused an unexpected pang in Mila's chest. She scowled at the girl.

Mila! None of that. You still have your mama. Paiga doesn't.

Mama's tone made Mila wince. She took the offered hand Paiga's brother extended, walking alongside Mama as she chatted to Paiga.

The caves grew wide then narrow then wide. It felt like been stuck in a strange dream, where nothing made sense. Strange glowing plants grew in clumps and occasionally glowing bugs hovered over them. They walked at a pace that gave Mila the briefest moment to examine them. Papa and Mama and the other adults all told stories as they helped each other through the narrow areas and down big drops. Mila didn't mind the narrow areas, she and Paiga fitted through them fine. But the adults found it tricky.

Now that Paiga walked with her, Mila found it easy to forget the horrible night. She skipped where she could, the two of them laughing at the funny looking orange lizards that scarpered on sight of the group.

But it felt strange when she twisted to look for Nanny, to show her.

'Mila?' Mama smiled at her, a question in her eyes.

Mila rolled her lips together, shrugging before darting around a funny rock with a hole in it. Paiga poked her head through, making a face at Mila.

When the group came across a river, they stopped. After a careful taste test, dipping a crystal necklace in to check the quality, everyone was allowed to drink.

Mila and Paiga wrinkled their noses at the odd smell. Like a cup of nellor left out for too long.

'It won't hurt you, girls,' Papa said with a smile as he squatted to scoop water to his mouth. 'Drink up.'

The two girls' sipped water from their cupped hands, giggling as it spilled out. The adults conversed as the two of them had fun flicking water at each other.

An odd sound like a cough made Mila look up, Paiga too.

Both girls gasped, stumbling back from the river.

'Mila? What's wro-' Mama broke off as she looked up too.

Uncle Harlon made a funning clicking noise.

The strange looking person that clung to the ceiling with three others responded with clicks and whistles.

Mama beckoned Mila and Paiga, and the two girls scampered to her side.

'Mama, who are they?' Mila whispered, Paiga crowding close to hear the answer.

'These are the Cyqs, lovey. The people who live in the caves.'

'They look funny.'

'They think the same of you,' Mama said with a smile. 'See their eyes, how big they are? They're very sensitive to light, that's why no one has their energy too bright.'

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