Chapter Six

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Noises, thuds and murmuring voices, pulled Mila from her sleep. She peered through half-open eyes around the bedroom, noting Nanny snoring away in bed. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, making pretty patterns on the wood floor.

With a yawn Mila climbed out the bed, her head felt like it was full of pillow stuffing.

Not bothering to change, she left Nanny snoring, sneaking out to talk to her parents.

She found them seated at the kitchen table, savoring cups of herbal tea while they conversed. Papa stopped when he saw her.

'Mila. Good morning.'

The tone was enough to make her wish she could turn back. But she had to tell.

'Papa. Mama. Uncle Vidna killed Uncle Jeran. He's dead.' It came out in a rush, Mila sucking a breath in once done, dizzy from the abrupt announcement.

Papa's brown eyes didn't even blink.

Mama didn't say a word.

They both stared at her. The silence made a horrible tense sensation move through her stomach.

'You went in a manhole yesterday, didn't you, Mila?'

'Uuhhh... Ye-es,' Mila stuttered her reply to Papa.

He set the earthenware mug on the table and bent, elbows on knees, so his face was at her level.

'What were you doing down the manhole?'

'Ge-get-ting Addy's ball, but Uncle Vidna...' Mila squeezed the words out past the growing lump in her throat.

Papa nodded and sat up, leaning back in the seat.

'This lying, Mila. It has to stop.'


'Mila!' Papa's sharp shout made her pull back in shock, her eyes wide. 'I realize you don't understand what your words could do, but you must learn this lesson. If you have done something wrong, own it!' Papa smacked his hand hard against the wood table.

Mila jumped, tears welling in her eyes. 'But, Papa-'

'NO! Mila you will learn the power of words alone. They can be stronger than any gift. No more of this nonsense, Mila. You were caught doing something naughty. You cannot push the blame onto someone else.'

Mila looked to the floor, staring at her bare feet peeking out from the bottom of her nightgown.

'Mila,' Mama began, and Mila looked up. Her mama watched with kind eyes but a sad mouth.

'We love you, darling. But we want you to learn the right way to do things. Everyone makes mistakes in life, how we react to these mistakes is most important. Mila, as a Mestarn you have more responsibilities on your shoulders than most seven-year-olds.'

Mila nodded as she tried to understand. Tried to make sense of it, now unsure if it had been an awful day yesterday, or if she'd imagined it? Surely Mama and Papa wouldn't be so hard on her. Perhaps she had fallen asleep in the tunnel? It made the clenching cramps in her stomach worse, forcing her to hunch forward.

'Oh lovey, are you having stomach pains?' Mama reached out, drawing her in and lifted her onto her lap while nodding at Papa. 'Get the tea. Must be feeling guilty.'

Mila wrinkled her nose at that, confusion and frustration building.

'See Mila, you tell lies and even your body knows,' Mama said, rocking her. 'Try to relax, that will help.'

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