Chapter Nineteen

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'Mila, lovey, wake up.'

Mila stirred at Mama's voice and the gentle touch of her hand on her back. She sat up with a jaw-splitting yawn. Blinking, she peered around in confusion.

'Mama, are we still in the caves?'

'Yes, lovey, where else would we be?'

Home, Mila wanted to say but didn't. She nodded to Mama and hugged Papa when he put his arms around her from behind. Mama's face was dirty, but she smiled at Mila, a proper smile. It made waking in the cold dark caves much better.

'I'm hungry, Mama.'

'We all are darling. Here's your breakfast. Eat it slowly, we haven't got much to go around.'

Mila stared in bewilderment at the half slice of rough bread. Normally she ate two whole pieces! It didn't even have butter.

Mama and Papa both stared at her, eyes firm. Mila accepted the bread from Mama, whispering 'Thanks.'

'Good girl.' Papa squeezed her knee teasingly. Mila looked up, meeting his eyes with a tentative smile.

Slowly she chewed on the bread and watched everyone from where she sat, seated between Papa's legs. The bread was tough but the flavor still good. Mama moved around, talking to the adults and offering half pieces of bread to all the children then she stopped by Uncle Gydon, who's droopy blue eyes looked even droopier.

In the low cave space most the adults had to lean. Mila, chewing the final piece of hard crust, examined the cave, tipping her head back against Papa's chest to stare at the ceiling. At the edges of the cave, long skinny pieces of stone pointed sword-like toward the floor of the cave.

'Papa,' Mila patted his knee while swallowing down the final mouthful of hard bread. It hurt, scratching the sides of her throat, making her eyes water.

'Yes, Mila?'

'Papa, those stones, look at them!'

Papa looked where she pointed. 'Ah, those are stalactites.'


'Yes. And see those small ones forming on the floor beneath them? Those are stalagmites.'


'That's just what they're called, Lea. But a way to remember the difference,' Papa said, and he pointed at the ceiling. 'Remember that stalactites, hold on tight! They hang on to the ceiling.'

Mila laughed. 'Tight! Stalactite!'

Uncle Gydon called out for attention. Papa helped Mila up, and they joined all the others gathered.

'We need to get moving. Keep your eyes open for the Cyqs. Now you all follow Harlon, he knows the way. Keep your light low, the Cyqs have sensitive eyes remember.'

Uncle Harlon, the one who'd led them to the caves had them group, so the children were in the center then the women and then the men. Mila stood holding Mama's hand and Paiga's.

They set off.

A massive heavy rumble that vibrated underfoot made Mila and Paiga twist back in alarm, but Mama reassured them.

'It's just Uncle Gydon, he's pulling down rocks so the DeNagas can't follow us.'

Paiga squeezed Mila's hand and squinted at Mama. 'Why do they want to kill us, Aunty Dan'iss?'

The wavering question stopped all other conversations. No one said a thing while Mama frowned.

Mama stopped walking and crouched to smile at Paiga. She tucked a stray bit of hair behind the girl's ear.

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