Chapter 1

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I really didn't want to move. I had great friends, a nice apartment, good grades, everything an eleven year old girl could ask for. That all changed however, when my grandfather died of a stroke. I was never very close to him. I only saw him once or twice a year. My grandfather was a cranky old man after my grandmother died, when I was 9. My grandfather's inheritance left my family with the house. My family and I left New York on Friday morning and headed for Erie, Pennsylvania.
We arrived at the house early Saturday morning. I remember on the trip over my mom Saying," You girls are just going to love it here. No more honking cars in the middle of the night. Just the peaceful nature sounds of crickets."
"We liked it in New York." Hannah and I said in unison."
Hannah was my older sister who was thirteen. We always got along.
"You girls just need to adjust. I promise you'll love it here. Look on the bright side you girls will get your own room."
Hannah and I always shared a room ever since I was two. Maybe it would be nice to have a space all to myself.

As I got out of the car I took in my surrounding. The grass was over grown with danilions. I looked up at the house. The light blue paint was peeling off. Other than that the house looked the same. There were bay windows in every bedroom. I was just about to go inside the house when I saw a figure appear in one of the bay windows. I rubbed my eyes and when I opened them the figure was gone. Probably just my imagination. I thought to myself. My dad snuck up right behind me and said, "Chelsea here's your stuff go put it up in your your room."
I jumped. My father really scared the living daylights out of me. I turned to face my dad.
"Chelsea are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."
" Dad I'm fine." I assured him.
"Okay." My dad said walking away.

I know what my dad said was a figure of speech, but maybe I really did see a ghost. Little did I know that this was just the beginning. My life was going to get worse, much much worse.

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