Dark Sparks #1

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Dark Sparks


please comment!!! this and Kiss of Time are the first stories i've put on here. help me out and give me advice! ty!

Screams filled the air in a chorus of ultimate suffering as the village and its inhabitants burned. A woman walked to the outskirt of the village, seemingly unperturbed that people and buildings were ablaze. Wearing nothing but a top that wrapped around her breasts, and trousers that hung low on her hips, she was barefoot and her hair hung in clumps. She looked over her shoulder,

And grinned

Two days later...

She came awake with an awful taste in her mouth. Like she had chewed on burnt flesh and ash. She looked at her surroundings, trying to get a bearing on here she was. Propping herself on her elbows, she glanced around and realized she was out in the open. She had never woken up in anything more, or less, than a barn or a stable.

She was even more startled to see that she was sleeping on and under blankets. What in the world? Then, she was absolutely stunned that there was a man working over a fir, not even seven feet away. The sent of seasoned meat and something sweet wafted under her nose. Her stomach growled so loud, it startled the man and caused her to jump.

The man composed himself faster than she did. He smiled pleasantly at her and scooted over toward her. She did some scooting of her own- away from him. He stopped as he saw her reaction. He looked perplexed, as if her retreat was strange.

Her eyes wide, she stared at him. She noticed a faint blush on his cheeks, even though his gaze was on her face. She looked down and saw that she had not but a wrap on. Blushing furiously, she pulled the blankets up to cover herself. The man's blush deepened, but to his credit his eyes stayed on her face.

He smiled weakly and looked away, "Its all I found you in and you had burns that needed tending. I have some clothes but they'd be a little large." His voice had an odd timber to it, almost musical. It was deep but not as gravely as some. She found her self relaxing at the sound of it.

He waited for her to say something and he nodded to her in encouragement. After a few minutes of awkward silence, he asked, "Can you speak?" she nodded. "You can?" he clarified. Another nod. "Then what's wrong?" she bit her bottom lip, making her look adorable. She opened her mouth and the strangest thing happened.

A clear sound came from her throat, followed by notes that would be hard to hit even for an accomplished singer. The sound that came from her mouth was so beautiful it made him want to cry. Then the song became odd. He felt emotions and words as she continued to sing. Ohh, he thought, this is how she speaks.

The song ended, too soon in his opinion, and she looked at the ground sheepishly. He burst out laughing. "That was amazing! I've never heard anything of or like that in my life!" he sighed, "We're going to have to teach you how to talk like me though. If you tried that at the market, you'd be kidnapped and sold. Hmm. I don't suppose I could get your name right if you told me, so I'm going to have to hive you one instead."

She looked skeptical. "Don't worry, you can choose. I'll list some off." He took a deep breath and started listing names. "Hotaru, Rowan, Cara, Zipporah," and on he went.

It became late and he could tell she was getting sleepy. "You can sleep on it if you like." She smiled. Then frowned. "What's wrong?" she looked at him and pointed at him with a confused look on her face. "Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Matthius. Or Matt, whichever one you prefer." She smiled at him again and turned over to pull up the blankets.

As he settled down to sleep, one thought reverberated in Matt's head, What in the world is she?

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