Explaination (5 Months)

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Carl said,"Mom?"

Standing in front of him was Lori Grimes his mother and grandmother to his son Carl lowered his gun and dropped it with a thud on the carpet. Lori was a tall woman with beautiful black hair and brown eyes and tan skin. Carl said,"After you gave birth to Judith I killed you!" Then Lori said,"Sit down son and I will tell you what happened okay I think it might be time to tell you the truth!" Carl sat down next to his mother and he saw her take his hand and then she took a deep breath.

"It started before I went into labor with your sister I came into contact with another group that helped me deliver Judith and the woman you killed was not me it was someone else and I am deeply sorry that I had to put you through all that torment!" After she was done talking Carl began to cry and hugged his mother tightly as Lori was stroking her son's hair as she whispered,"Shh...Shh....baby it is okay!" Carl then said,"I have something to tell you um... I am gay and I'm engaged to a boy named Ron and I'm five months pregnant with Ron's son Sam!" Loris eyes lit up and kissed his cheek. Then she said,"The only thing that will make me happier is that if you and Ron are happy and my grandson is also okay?" Carl nodded spans said,"Then you'll stay?" Lori nodded and said,"Yes I am staying now you need to get to bed young man!" She kissed him goodnight and then she told Carl that she will be sleeping on the pullout bed tonight.

Carl went upstairs to his and Ron's room and then he laid next to Ron who wrapped his fiancé's swollen belly he then felt Sam move within Carl witch made Ron move down to face his belly and he said,". Hi Sam are trying to say goodnight to daddy and I love you very much!" He then kissed the spot where his son moved previously and then Carl looked at Ron and said,"Baby there is something I need to tell you um how do I say this um my mom is back in my now and I want you and Judy to meet her tomorrow is that okay?" Ron kissed him and pulled his t shirt back down over his 5 month belly and he rested his hand on it as he said,"Baby that sounds wonderful I would love to meet her and she is right we need to get to bed!" Then the two kissed goodnight and then Ron turned the light off as Carl took his shirt off and then Ron wrapped his hands around his belly as the two boys drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

My little Apocalypse (A Carl Grimes x Ron Anderson Mpreg  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang