Breaking the news (1st week)

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Daryl, Michonne, Sasha, Abraham and the others arrived to Carl's and Ron's house for dinner Carl was nervous and excited because he knew that he had everyone's support in this most happiest time in a zombie apocalypse. Carl was finishing changing and he said,"Hey baby can you help me with the top button?" Ron chuckled and then helped his boyfriend and he kissed the top of his head and hugged him lightly. Ron said,"Hey don't worry it will be fine! Okay?" Carl nodded and then Ron crooked his arm so Carl could loop his around Ron's and the two went downstairs to greet everyone. Pretty soon dinner was ready and Carol called everyone into the dining room she had poured wine for everyone and sparkling wine for Carl. Then everyone had sat down to eat and everyone was talking and laughing something that Carl hasn't seen in months. Then Carl stood up and picked up his wine glass and cleared his throat,"Everyone I... I mean we are so happy that all of you could be here this evening but when we go into the living room we have a big announcement!" Then the two kissed and Carl said,"I love you Ron!" Then Carl said,"I know that we are missing someone this evening....My Dad...Sheriff Richard Michael Grimes he would have loved to have been here celebrating with us...tonight!...And...And...Dad if you can hear me up in heaven we all love you very much! To Rick!!" Carl started to cry and Ron hugged him and kissed his forehead. Then everyone raised there glasses and yelled,"TO RICK!" All of the glasses clinked and everyone drank.

Pretty soon everyone walked into the living room and sat down on each of the chairs facing Carl and Ron and Ron then had said,"We actually have two announcements!" Carl looked at his boyfriend puzzled,"We do?" Ron smiled and looked over at Carol,"Hey Carol can you give me the thing?" Carol smiled and gave him a small black box then he got down on one knee and he looked up into his boyfriends eyes and Ron said,"Carl James Grimes I love you very much and since our first date with one another and now I want to take our relationship even further practically to the next big step.... Carl will you marry me?" Ron opened the small box and it revealed a ring made from a bullet casing to fit Carl's ring finger. Carl gasped and said,"YES!..YES!...YES!... A million times Yes I will marry you!" Ron got up and put the ring on his new fiancée finger and the two passionately kissed. Everyone cheered and Enid asked,"So what's the other really big announcement?" Carl said,"Carol can you give them the gift?" Carol then brought out many boxes with bows on them and placed them in front of all the guests and Carl said,"Okay you might be wondering what might be going on right now with Ron and I at the moment but if you open that box your questions might be answered!" Everyone opened the boxes and Maggie was the first to notice she looked up at Carl and Ron who were both smiling and then Maggie herself smiled too,"You're serious?" Carl nodded and touched his flat belly and gently stroked his belly then he said,"Yes everyone I'm pregnant!" Maggie got up to kiss both boys cheeks and everyone was really happy for the two and Carl and Ron knew they had the whole groups support in all of this. They where happy for once...Truly happy!

My little Apocalypse (A Carl Grimes x Ron Anderson Mpreg  Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu