IMT Reignover - Jungle wars

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Erzallia's POV

It's week 8 already. Immortals are 13/1 this split just like us and tomorrow is the tie-breaker for first place. Last time we played against them Reignover picked a stronger 2v2 jungler and me and Hauntzer couldn't do much. Bjergsen was mad for days, but hey he called for Kindred, knowing I'm not very good with her. As I was about to start a game someone on twitch sent me a fanart of me and Reignover. He had claws just like Kha'Zix and I had a spear like Nidalee's. Our faces were so close like we were about to kiss. I covered my face and laughed, hoping I'll hide my blush from the viewers. To be honest I liked him ever since he was on Fnatic. But as a top tier junglers there's a war between us. We trash talk about each other everytime there is a chance. Staring at the fan art I apperently forgot to ban and went out of queue.

"Oh crap" - I said as I closed the picture. "Alright guys we have to wait 5 minutes."

I was enjoying my korean music when someone called "ADCHuni" wrote me.

ADCHuni: Holo up for duo ?

TSM Erza: Sure, but we'll have to wait 5 min.

ADCHuni: Ye I saw that

Time passed and we started a game. I went for Nidalee and Huni decided to play Riven. As the loading screen shown up I saw Bjergsen and Hauntzer duoing as usual, and a summoner called '' DontCheese "playing Kha'Zix. I immediately remembered the fan art and my eyes went wide. Why was Reignover playing Kha? I cleaned my mind and the game began. I went for my usual invade after golems, but surprisingly their support was waiting for me and I gave first blood.

DontCheese: Not this time lady

TSM Erza: Next time then

The game end at 23:27 as the enemy team surrendered. Huni carried really hard although Reignover destroyed me in the jungle. I guess today was not a good day for Nidalee. After 3 or 4 games I went to bed. Tomorrow is a big day after all, gotta kick some asses.

Reignover's POV

"Wake up dude"

"Five more minutes please" - I said and turned around so I can ignore Turtle, but then I felt cold water spilt on my face.

"Dude what the hell ? " - I opened my eyes and saw our couch standing in front of me, angry as usual.

"You have 15 minutes to get ready" - he said and walked away

"God damn .. "

"Next time don't stay too late to read fanfictions about you and Erza" - Turtle laughed and ran away before I could even see him.

I got ready and we all went to the LCS. Before I could reach our room someone stopped me, asking for an interview before our game against TSM. I agreed to do it, just because our couch wouldn't let me sleep while other teams play. The interview was quite annoying. Why do people make such a big deal about us against TSM? We beat them last time after all.

"One last question Reignover, in the social media there's a lot of, you know fanfictions, fan arts, people shipping you with Erza .. Can you say something about that ? "

" I don't really understand why people ship me with her. You don't have anything to like in her personality, she can't even play the game, if only she could - but she can't. And come on man, she's not even that pretty. Totally not my type, so people please, stop doing this, nothing would ever happend between us. "

"Alright, thank you for your time Reignover. "

After I said these words something hurt me really bad. Maybe I overextended, but she hates me anyway. As I was crossing TSM's room something catched my eye. All of the members were surrounded in a circle with Doublelift trash talking about someone and Hauntzer looking like he's about to kill everyone. I heard sobbing from the middle of the circle and just when Bjergsen moved aside, I saw Erza covering her red face with tears streaming down. I quickly ran into our room, hoping noone saw me, but before I can even enter it, I heard a slap and then I found myself on the ground with a burning cheek. It was Huni standing in front of me looking so mad I can't even describe it.

"I can't believe you're such a d*ck man .. " - he said and was about to hit me again but Dylan stopped him.

"This won't help Huni, we both know it. Get ready for the incoming game. Oh and Reignover I expect from you an apology after you beat them."

"Why are you so sure we can beat them?"- I ask knowing im playing with fire

"You mentally destroyed her. Do you think she'll be able to focus ? Are you really that blind ? " - Huni asked me getting more pissed.

Then it hit me like a truck. Why would she be so upset about me saying these words? Could it be .. god damn im such an idiot. All of these times she was talking about me, I was wondering why is she covering her face or what's up with that light in her eyes. She feels the same. And I fucked up everything. She would never forgive me.

"Yo Reignover lets go. " - Turtle took me out of my thoughts and we went to the stage.

Noone P.O.V

Heading to the champion select Immortals went for a Kalista composition with Gnar, Lee sin, Lissandra and Braum. A lot of pick potential and good team fighting will cause TSM a lot of trouble. On the other hand TSM suprised everyone with bringing Evelynn to the table. Noone has ever seen Erza playing that champion and people were thinking if she'll be able to keep up with the presure of the early game Lee Sin. As the game started Immortals sent their duo lane up on top side knowing that TSM would do anything to deny Kog'Maw and Janna facing Kalista and Braum. But Erza had another idea. She told Hauntzer to do the wraiths while she took the golems and went in the Immortals jungle. She caught Huni and Reignover being half health, doing the Blue Buff. It was a level two Evelynn against level one Gnar and Lee, since they both messed up and shared the experience from the gromp. Somehow she managed to kill both of them and escape, 'cause stealth is so damn annoying. After that the girl focused on their bot lane, doing her best to make Kog'Maw snowball. Eventually she got super fed and solo killed Kalista without even taking that much damage. The game was pretty much one sided, with TSM literally destryoing Immortals. After the final ace, the carries stats were Erza - 11/0/9 , Bjergsen - 9/2/13 and Doublelift - 7/4/15. Phreak asked Erza for a small interview and she gladly accpeted.

Erza P.O.V

"Erza, congratulations for your victory over Immortals. First of all tell me, how did you came up with playing Evelynn? "

"Well since I can't play the game I decided to go for an easy champ. If only I could, I would've bring something like Kindred or Lee sin, but I can't. Oh and I'm not even pretty , I can't just play something and hoping the opponent won't tryhard against me just because Im a pretty girl. " - I laughed

" don't know what to say.. " - he laughed too "You're such a troll ya know? "

"Man im telling ya the truth ? Is there something a guy would like in me? "

"Ughh .. okay Erza. Thans for you're time you little troll. " - we high fived and I walked away

As I was entering the backstage I noticed that Immortals were already leaving. I continued walking past their room, when suddenly someone pushed me right next to the wall. Before I could even open my eyes, I felt a soft lips onto mine. When I saw who it was , I got a mini heart attack. It was Reignover. Without thinking twice, I pulled him closer to me, removing the distance between our bodies. The kiss itself was like nothing I've ever felt before. At first it was gentle ,but as soon as I began kissing him back, he kissed me with so much passion that I saw stars. After that I felt him pulling away. Please don't do this. I had to let go of him so we can both catch a breath. Finally I managed to ask him.

"What was that for? "

He smiled, hugged me tight, and whisper "I love you."

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