Harry let out a soft breath and his smile immediately vanished from his face. Louis didn’t remember him. He felt that little bit of hope that had come back disappear. He frowned and shook his head before giving Louis a weak smile. “It’s me,” he said. “It’s me, Harry.”

                It took a second before the name clicked and sent Louis’ mind in motion. “Harry?” he asked in surprise and let out a soft chuckle. “Harry! Oh, wow…hi.” Harry’s smile reappeared and he stepped forward, pulling Louis into a hug. Louis hugged the taller boy back awkwardly before pulling back and smiling up at him. “Harry Styles,” he said. “Wow, I can’t believe it. Look at you! How did you—?”

                “I was just walking,” Harry quickly interrupted with his answer. “I was just walking around and I saw you.”

                “Oh wow, that’s really something,” Louis sincerely replied back. He started to walk again and Harry moved to be next to the smaller boy, walking slowly along with him. “How are you?”

                “I’m good,” Harry answered and smiled even more. Even better now that I’m with you, he thought. “How are you?”

                “Oh..I’m fine,” Louis answered back softly, nodding a bit. “Doing just fine…” He stayed quiet for a few and just looked over at Harry, taking him in. “This is just…weird.”

“Yeah..I know,” Harry replied back, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pajama pants. “It’s been a while.”

                Louis nodded in agreement. “Yeah,” he said softly, turning and looking at Harry. “Look at you, curls!” he loudly said.

                Harry laughed loudly like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. When he calmed down, he looked at Louis and said, “Look at you, ass!”

                Louis’ expression turned to one of distaste and he cocked his head a bit. “Excuse me?” he asked, on the verge of being angry.

                “Oh!” Harry quickly realized how that sounded wrong. “No, no. You’re not an ass, you just have a great one.” He groaned internally though, realizing that didn’t sound much better. “You’re really pretty, Louis.”

                Louis let out a breathy chuckle then and just accepted Harry’s answer, knowing he probably didn’t mean anything bad by it. “Thank you,” he replied back. “So, how long have you been here?”

                Harry took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’ve always been here,” he replied back simply.

                Louis nodded, feeling really confused. “So…you live here then?” he asked, trying to get Harry to clarify. Harry shook his head thought. “So…you’re just visiting then?”

                Harry gave up on trying to get Louis to understand what he meant. He was always here, always there with Louis. “Yeah…yeah, I’m just visiting,” he finally said.

                Louis just nodded and stayed quiet again as they walked a bit. He hated this, the small talk and awkward silences, and even though it was really nice to see Harry again, he just wanted to be off on his own way to do what he needed to do. “So, what’s it been? Like…years and years.”

                “It’s been forever,” Harry quickly said, smiling a bit to himself. “Remember that time I came back and visited? I tried to see you then. Me and Niall came over and tried to invite you to go swimming with us but you were at football practice, so you couldn’t come. It’s been since then. Forever.”

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