xvii. words; sad

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do I even need to explain this
I'm just gonna say I HOPE YOU'RE ALL HAVING A LOVELY DAY and if you ever wanna recommend me a story you're writing or wrote that I helped you with cause of this book then just comment !! I'll check it out !!

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bereaved, bitter, blue, cheerless, dejected, despairing, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, distressed, doleful, down, downcast, down, in dumps, forlorn, gloomy, glum, grief-stricken, grieved, heartbroken, heartsick, heavyhearted, hurting, in doldrums, in grief, in the dumps, languishing, low, low-spirited, lugubrious,, melancholy, morbid, morose, mournful, out of sorts, pensive, pessimistic, somber, sorrowful, sorry, troubled, weeping, wistful, woebegone

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