"This is from just yesterday? Shibukji reported her missing 2 weeks ago," the guard says with a confused look on his face.

"I bought her yesterday," Natsu says.

"Alright sir, sorry to bother you," the guard hands back the piece of paper and walks back down the street.

Natsu sighs and turns around.

There was awkward silence as we both look down at the ground.

I stand up and walk towards him.

"Is this how it's gonna be between us?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"You know... It's just awkward! I feel like we need to say what we feel about each other!" I blurted out.

"Okay? You go first or me?"

"I will. I have already tried to tell you this before but... I really l-love you Natsu..."

"You do?!" His face was clearly surprised.

"Well I mean why would I lie about that?"

"How is that not important?"

"I mean... It wasn't really important at the time...."

"Well then I should just let you know that I love you too." He smirked and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his body.

I put my arms on his bare chest.

This is an awkward position and I'm touching his abs....

My face turns red and I look away.

"That's adorable," Natsu says and tilts his head.

"I'm not a-adorable!" I yell pushing myself away from him.

"Fine... Your sexy."

My eyes widen and I look back up at him.

"I don't want us to just be friends anymore..." He says as a hint of pink rushes to his cheeks.

"Me neither..."

"Does this make us boyfriend, girlfriend or...?"

"Only if you want it to..."

"Well obviously I do... But do you want-"

"Oh mah Lord just kiss already!" Gray says cutting Natsu off.

"Butt out ice-princess!" Natsu yells.

Juvia and I giggle at the two.

I shake my head. I step away from him and turn towards them.

Juvia gestures for me to come by her.

She probably wants to pick out an outfit for me...

I walk up the steps as Gray walks down.

Me and Juvia walk into the bedroom and she walks into the closet.

"So you two are a thing now?" She asks from the closet.

"Yeah..." I say with a blush.

She walks out with a blue sundress.

It's light blue at the top and fades into a dark blue with a white lacy rim.

"It's so pretty!" I say.

"You can keep it, I never wear it..."

I grab the dress and walk into the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and put the beautiful dress on.

"You look soooo pretty!" Juvia squeals.

"Thank you!"

"Natsu will lllllllllloooove it!" She says as she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Is it too much?"

"Not for a date!"

"I'm g-going on a d-date?!"

"Yep! Gray and I need some alone time so you and Natsu shall go on a date!" She claps her hands together and jumps up and down.

I shake my head and giggle.

"Oh I almost forgot!" She ran back into the closet and brings out a pair of sandals.

I put them on, thank her and walk down the steps into the living room.

"Wow," I hear Natsu say.

"Thanks..." I say and blush.

"So let's go!" He grabs my hand and we run out the door.

We walk down the street and take a turn towards what I assume is a marketplace.

"Wow..." I say astonished by all of the people there.

"Isn't it cool?" He asks.

"Way beyond cool..."

We walk towards a jewelry stand.

There are beautiful necklaces and earrings and bracelets.

But what catches my eye is a beautiful silver ring with a bright green jewel.

"It's so beautiful..." I say.

"It really is..."

I turn towards Natsu who is looking at the ring.

"Let's go to the park!" Natsu yells out of nowhere making me jump.

"Sure!" I say as he runs making me follow after him.

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