Thirty Seven

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Incase you got confused.







Maria entered the laundry shop feeling happy because of the Ice Cream and an interesting talk with the twins.

She also realize that these two trouble makers were not experts on whispering, she could always hear them gussing and talking about her clearly, though they truely believed they were whispering.

As soon as she saw her brother, her smile fell.

She knew something was wrong.

She knew something had happened to him. And whatever it was, she didn't like it.

"Hey, you guys are back."

"Yeah! Maria was treating us to Ice Creams cones, I got two!"

"That's really great Steve. And thank you Maria for treating my cousins."

"That's okay, they're adorable."




"I better go."

"Wait, you're leaving? But lover boy we haven't even talked yet!"

"Lover boy, we haven't played some wii yet, too."

"Maybe next time okay guys?"



"Hey guys, do you want to walk me outside?"

"Okay, I'll see you outside Lover boy!"

Melissa was silent.

And Blake was waiting.

Waiting for her to say something.


But nothing came out of her mouth.

She didn't even look at him.

She said she loved him just not long ago but it felt like she was lying.

Maybe she had lied.

After all, she lied to him for months whithout having a second thought about it.

"That's it then?"


"You're not gonna say anything?"




"Goodbye then."

Melissa bit her tongue.

His voice sounded so hurt and dissapointed.

She wanted to say something, she really does.

She wanted to say a lot of things.

Like how she didn't want him to leave.

She want to ran up to him.

She want to kiss him, and hug him.

She want him to know that she wants to stay aswell.

But she can't.

Her mother needed her.

Her family needed her.

She needed to go home.

She needed to leave.

So she stayed silent.

Because she knew it was for the best.

And she's right.

She's always right.

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