Yami Yugi X Male Reader (I)

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Normal Pov

Walking through the busy streets of Domino City is a (h/c) haired male who has (s/c) skin and wears a (f/c) long sleeved shirt and (f/c) pants along with a (f/c) combat boots. The male's name is (m/n) (l/s) who is looking for a certain duelist who has a weird hairdo according to him.

(m/n) (l/s) is Yugi Motou's childhood friend and also bestfriend when they were young, but due to (m/n)'s father transferring to work on another country (m/n) was forced to move. After a couple of years (m/n) was away he never forgot about his best friend, although they stop communicating when both of them entered highschool because both of them were to busy.

But now (m/n) is returning to Domino City and will resume his studies there it wasn't easy to convince his family but they finally gave up and already settled everything (m/n) needed to adjust his clothes, school, and where he will live starting today.

(M/N)'s Pov

"Finally I'm back after so many years!" I said to myself while looking for Yugi who agreed that he will come and pick me up so that he can give me a tour around the area. As I was walking in the streets I first noticed a hair that was standing out of the crowd so I decided to approach it then I noticed when I was closer that it was Yugi searching for me in the crowd of people.

So I approached Yugi as quietly as I could and using the crowd to hide myself, when I saw an opportunity to surprise Yugi I hug him from behind "Yugiiii, I missed you!!!" I shouted and noticed that everyone passing by was looking at us like we did something stupid or something like that.

Normal Pov

When (m/n) decided to hug Yugi from behind he was surprise "Ahhh!" Yugi shouted as (m/n) snickered beside him feeling satisfied with Yugi's reaction. "Hahaha. T-that was r-really u-unexpected I didn't k-know you w-would be t-that s-scared." (m/n) said in between his laughs. "Hahaha, very funny (m/n) come on let's go you're attracting too much attention." Yugi sarcastically said as he dragged a laughing (m/n) away from the crowds.

"Hey, Yugi." (m/n) said as he was walking with Yugi "Yeah?" Yugi replied "You haven't changed have you you're still small as ever." (m/n) said patting Yugi's hair. "I've grown taller (m/n) you just haven't noticed." Yugi answered with a pout "Hahaha, sure Yugi. Where are we going anyway I thought you were going to show me around."

"Oh I just thought that maybe you're tired and want to rest at my house we can tell each other about the events that had happened for the past years and I want you to meet someone and also grandpa likes to see you as well." Yugi replied "Ok, know that I think about it you live in your family's game shop right? So cool how about we play games when we get there." (m/n) said enthusiastically "Sure." Yugi replied with a nod. "I have a question thought." (m/n) asked "What is it (m/n)?"

"Who is this someone you like me to meet?"

"You'll find out sooner or later." Yugi grinned "Awww, come on dude atleast gimme a hint." (m/n) said looking at Yugi with his puppy dog eyes "You know for someone so tall I hate to say this but you're good at doing those eyes. Well my hint is that both of you will really get along." Yugi laughed (m/n) pouted at Yugi's answer to his question but said "Of course I'm good at doing those eyes I'm good at everything I do, also what kind of hint was that?"(m/n) laughed.

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