"Don't you love birds get enough time at home?" Ahmish bhai said knocking the door while I could see Ahmad's embarrassed face while I made an disgusted face at him. Let him marry once, I won't give him privacy with bhabhi.

I went for calling ammi and Shirana and saw them still talking as if both were long lost mother and daughter. We had our supper in peace away from the monkeys of the house and soon it was time for us to leave.
Ammi Shirana and Ahmad were talking in a group while I was standing with Ahmish bhai and Abdullah.

"Ahem Ahmish bhai, so what is the next plan?"

"No plans, I'll just ask Ahmad for her hand." He winked at me.

"So soon, don't you want to know more about her?" I asked desperately.

"Her loyalty towards her Lord is what all I need. I overheard you people when she told she's memorising Quran as much capability she has and your Ahmad's last words too when you were talking to him. Btw sorry I had no intention of eavesdropping." He smiled looking up at her and then quickly lowered his gaze.


"Argh what is the relationship between 'aww' and 'girls'?" He rolled his eyes towards me.

"You won't understand coz you are not a girl." I stuck my tongue out at him and ran towards the other people and soon we were gathered at the door to bid our good byes.

"It was a pleasure meeting you aunty. Give us a visit soon." Shirana said while bidding a good bye hug to ammi.

"Do not call me Aunty beta, call me ammi as everyone calls me, including your brother too." Ammi said patting her back and I rolled my eyes to them.

"Did you people had too much sweet today?" And shut up was the only reply I got from them.

"I would have surely made you my daughter in law if......" Ammi said while she was cut off with Ahmish bhai's coughing.

"Ahmish get some cough syrup dude." Ahmad uttered and I restrained my self from bursting into a laugh so I focused myself to a serious issue.

"That's a good idea. But 'if' what ammi?" I asked curiously.

"If she wasn't engaged to asif, don't you know?" She asked.

"What?" I, Ahmish bhai and Abdullah shouted together.

"Wait don't tell me Bhai did not even inform you about this." Shirana asked while giving a side glance to Ahmad and Ahmad was scratching his hair.

I could see Ahmish bhai's dream shattering down into pieces. His happy face turned into a sad one while he was looking down. I won't leave Ahmad for hurting my brother, if he would have told me earlier the scenario might be different from now. I looked at Abdullah while Abdullah was already gazing at me. We looked at Ahmish bhai but he did not even raised his head and was looking continuously at the ground.

"Umm sorry I forgot." Ahmad said scratching his head.

"Bhai you are unbelievable." Shirana uttered.

"You people go I am coming." I said to them and they made their way to the car while ammi and Abbu went inside the house.

"Bhai are you okay?" I asked him sadly.


"Ahmish Bhai don't be sad now I won't ask any vedio game from you." Abdullah squeezed Ahmish bhai's arm and Ahmish Bhai gave a weak smile while Ahmad gave a horn for me.

"Now I don't want to go home unless you say you are okay." I said folding my hands on my chest.

"I am fine Ayesha, I just need some time and space to forget it. Now go run Ahmad they are waiting for you." Ahmish bhai pushed me ahead.

"I will come back to you. Assalamu Alaikum." I waved my hands to them and ran towards the car in which the people were sitting who were responsible for my brothers sadness.


Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu it's been so long since I updated and it was so hard for me to write this one. Please ignore my bad writing.

When we people give our so called worldly exams, we leave everything which comes between our preparation. Don't we? Well I don't know about others but I do leave which disturbs my state of mind while studying and I suppose you people too and so I left wattpad for more than a month. Similarly this world is our exam place and finally our result will be on the day of judgement. Till then we need to prepare and give exams our entire life. Now wattpad is consuming a lot of time of mine and it is taking me away from the real purpose of my life. Some people claim that we get inspired spiritually by reading books on wattpad but have you read what Allah subhana wa ta'ala has send for us? Al Quran is the best book and there are more hadiths and books for me to cope up with. Plus who would give us the stamp marking no fitnah in the books of wattpad? Surely there are good books but simultaneously it has bad ones too, we don't realise and we read it coz it doesn't say 'stay away, fitnah prevailing' lol. So I was about to leave wattpad and some of my friends (I love them for the sake of Allah subhana wa ta'ala) said that I should not leave my book incomplete because it inspires them and then my good book would replace the bad ones. So I am here just to *write* and *not to read* (except some) as it consumes too much time. May be I'll leave (not so sure) wattpad after my book is complete in sha Allah. If I gave you my words to read your book then please forgive me and if you want you can take back your votes and comments coz I love Allah more out of any one and I am boycotting reading for his sake. Jazak Allahu Khairan for all your support.

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