Bloody Mondays and Secrecy

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Delta got up late again this morning. It was a new year at whiskey academy (couldn't think of a name give suggestions) and he was not looking forward to it. His kind hearted mother had already made his lunch for him and packed his bag. Well she was his current mother, in about seventy years he has had four earth mothers. You see Delta isn't just a normal being he's an assassin more than that he is a warrior. But not just any he is the death assassin the galaxy fears him. But after he disappeared, planets have been pillaging and starting wars with each other.
Daniel (Deltas human name) finally arrived at school to be greeted by his friends Rob, Ella, Sam, Jarred and Stephanie. Ella and Sam go out but I have a feeling Jarred is gay and also likes Sam it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Rob has his eye out for any good looking teens but can't seem to find any at our school, their all either sluts, not my type or just straight up bitches and back stabbers.
I checked my time table to see what I had first, English great this is my worst subject but our teacher is really nice and all my friends are in this class. We arrived at English and sat through a lecture on grammar yada yada we have already learnt this and we didn't pay attention the first time what makes you think we are gonna pay attention now. All of a sudden this group of blokes which looked like the types to be on FBI most wanted just for how they looked barged in the room. The big guy at the front said. "We are here for him" pointing his finger at me. Shit. I know who they are, galactic thieves, they have been after me for a while, hmm wonder what they are gonna claim this time. My teacher Mrs Smith spoke up. "What do you want with my student?" She sounded a bit nervous, I would too in her shoes. "Delta is a wanted criminal." He stated matter of factly. "Delta?" My teacher asks "him" they all say in synch pointing at me. I spoke up "Miss I think it would be better if I took them outside, has any student left for any specific reason?" I inquired. "No, but Daniel they look like thugs." She exclaimed, they all looked proud. "They won't for much longer." I muttered before speaking up "It's okay miss I'm sure they won't harm any of you" I smiled, she looked uncertain. "Fine" she eventually replied I walked up to her and said in a hushed tone "don't let anyone outside no matter what you hear, promise me" "I promise" she said. I left with the blokes who were looking at me uncertainly now, why you may ask, well because I have this huge grin plastered on my face.
We went outside and I tied the door close so no one can open it from inside. Then out of no where my sword appeared in its sheath on my back. It has a resemblance to a katana only difference it looks like it came from hell. With a war cry the thugs attacked me.
In seconds they were lying in pieces on the floor, tiny little pieces, but still to big to go unnoticed so I set them on fire . The smell of burning flesh quickly seeped into my head making me slightly nauseous. I opened the door with a huge grin on my face and walked inside. Everyone gasped like they do in movies I wonder why. Did they think I would die. So I answered in my completely oblivious faze "is there something on my face?" My teacher looked at me with fear in her eyes before answering "yes, all over you to be exact, what happened out there we heard screaming?" Well shit. "Ummm...."
The end I hope you are all enjoying it so far if not well to bad. Plus show your support if you do enjoy it, in order to get faster updates.

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