A N O B S T A C L E C O U R S E ?

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-Broly's POV-

It's been a few days since we've seen daylight. I had lost track of when it was daytime and nighttime, for I never payed attention to the clock. Kakkarot had informed me that his father, Bardock, was convinced that he was his son. He was so giddy that day, it had finally brought a smile onto my face after what's feel likes months of being down here when it's just been days. His smile was wider than I have ever seen it.


"Broly! Broly, Broly, Broly!"

I was still laying on my bed with a thunderstorm of mixed expressions clouding up my mind. I had heard my name being continuously called, and I leaned up. I recognized that call.


He entered the room panting heavily from possibly running and hopped up and down. What was he so happy about?

"Broly...You know Bardock, right? The man you were supposed to bunk with?"

I slowly nodded and my brows pinned together. "Why? He's your father, right?"

And that's when Kakkarot looked like he was about to squeal.

"Yes. Guess what?"

"Uh... He–"

He didn't give me any time to finish what my guess was.

"He was convinced that I was his son and now we have bonded back together! Aren't you excited?! Now you can finally meet my father and everything can be normal again!"

Kakkarot gained the biggest smile on his face I have ever seen, and he smiles a lot. He ran to me and hopped on top of me, hugging me tightly. I almost fell back on the bed, but I used my hand to hold myself up. I chuckled and hugged him back.

-Flashback End-

I heard the intercom go off and it alerted me.

"Everyone who has not been selected for a group, please report to the emperor's room at this time. Everyone who has not been selected for a group, please report to the emperor's room at this time."

King Vegeta. I recognized that voice immediately. I then sluggishly get off the bed and stretch, then walk out of my room. I walk in the crowd of people as I seemed to stick out a bit more in height. I didn't speak to anyone, but I listened to people speak.

"Hey look, it's the Legendary Super Saiyan." Someone whispered.

"What's he doing here?"

"Who knows? Maybe he finally came to his senses that he can't hide anymore. He joined the army just to show how powerful he is."

I heard snickering and chuckling behind me.

"I'd be surprised if he had a mate, to be honest."

And that's when I stopped on purpose just to bump in the people behind me. This should've signaled that I heard everything they said. They bumped right in my back, and I continued to walk.

Change In Thought (BrolyxGoku Yaoi) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now