"What why." He says.

"Cause when Liz gets drunk she can't control herself." I tell him.

"Oh." He says surprised.

"Anything can happen when that girl is drunk." I say.

Luke and I go and try to find her.

Elizabeth's POV

Woah I'm pretty sure im drunk I don't know but I'm just walking and bumping into people.

"Sorry." I say cause I bumped into someone.

"Oh hey Liz you look great." The person I bumped in to says. I try figuring out who it is by squinting my eyes.

"What oh um hi." I say.

"You wanna go get a drink or something." He ask.

"Um yeah I guess." I say.
And we go to the bar. He gets me 4 shots and he gets 4 too we drink them and my head starts hurting.

"GOD THAT SHIT IS STRONG." I shout and bite my lip.

I get off my chair and get my phone i start taking selfies.

Colby's POV

Liz gets off her chair and takes out her then starts taking selfies.

She looks at me then her eyes go wide. Oh no i think she recognized me.

"Oh i remember you." She says pointing at me still trying to figure out who i am.

"Oh really. Who." I ask.

"You're Niall." She says shaking her head.

"Um yeah sure." I say but I'm not Niall im actually Colby her ex boyfriend.

"Oh ok hey man whats up. Aayyyeeeee." She says.

"Uh hi." I say she puts her hands on my shoulders and gets closer to my face then She kisses me i put my hands on her waist and she puts her arms around my neck I get off my chair and hold her tighter and she holds on tighter. I move my hands down to her bottom and squeeze it a bit. She then breaks the kiss.

"Hah that WAS FUN." She whisper in my ear.

"Uh yeah it was." I say back.

"I'm bored." She says and sits back down on her chair.

Ashton's POV

"Uh hi have you seen a girl with brown curled hair and a like tight skin Colour dress." I ask.

"Uh no sorry." He says. Ugh I've ask like 40 people already and no one has seen Liz.

I sit down on a chair and take a break. Ugh if Louis finds out I lost her he's gonna get so mad.

"HEY MAN." Speaking of the devil Louis comes and says.

"Oh hey um Louis can I tell you something." I ask him but he is with Sheila.

"Uh yeah sure whats up." He says.

"Ok um don't get mad but ilostyoursisterandidontknoweresheis." I say.

"What?" He asks confused.

"I lost your sister and I don't know were s- " I get cut off.


"No no it's cause she was drunk and she just disappeared." I say trying to explain.

"Ok whatever let's go look for her. Don't you know what could happen if that girl's drunk." He says and we go looking for her so now it's me, Luke, Louis, and Sheila.

"Hey Ashton you didn't have somebody to come with again." Niall says coming up to me.

"No I came with Liz but I lost her." I say.

"WHAT!" He yells.

"Yeah I'm looking for her wanna help." I ask.

"Yeah." He says and we go looking for her.

Were the fuck is she.

Elizabeth's POV

"Ugh I'm bored." I tell Niall.

"You wanna go somewhere fun?" He ask me.

"Yeah I do booyyy." I say.

"Ok come on let's go." He says and takes my hand then pulls me out the house to the street.

"Were we going." I say stumbling down the sidewalk.

"You'll see." He says with a smirk.

"Um ok." I say laughing i don't know why I'm laughing tho.

He then stops at a car.

"Get in." He says.

"Okaayyyy Nialler." I say and get in.

He then gets in.

I'm sitting in the backseat he is too.
I start doing some shapes on the foggy window.

"Liz." He says and I look back at him.

"What booyyyyee." I say.

"I want you." He says and I look at him with a confused face.

He holds me from my face and starts kissing me the kiss is ruff and it kinda hurts. I try pushing him back but he won't move I kicked him and he pushed me down to the seat so now he's on me. I hit him with my fist on his chest. I kicked him harder on his ya know.

"Ow what the fuck." He says and gets mad so he gets a small napkin  i think and a bottle with some sort of liquid inside.

"What are you doing." I say trying to get him off of me.

"Stop moving." He says putting the liquid on the napkin he then puts it over my mouth and nose i gasp but it was to late.

SORRY. Sorry I was VERY VERY late to update my chapter i promise you I will update my next chapter ON TIME.
SORRY. And I know it was short.


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