Chapter 3

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Luke's POV

I was walking towards the stairs and walk up two the second floor to a hall with a couple of people, some were against the lockers and some were walking to class or something . I walked to the right to see if number 309 was on a locker but there wasn't , so I went to the left were I saw the number 303 on a locker which meant I was close.

I walked to the locker that said 309 but this girl was leaning on it but she then opened the locker next to mine , took out a text book , handed it to a boy next to her , and said " ok here but I'm only gonna let you borrow it because is the first day of school, and because you are my best friend." She said to the boy.

"Ok thanks bye Liz , love you." He said taking the book from her hand and putting it in his backpack. "Oh and I owe you ." He said before turning around and headed downstairs.

"ugh Ashton is always forgetting his things." she said to herself. She started looking for something in her backpack. "awe shit I forgot my math books ugh the teacher is gonna be so fucking mad at me." she said in frustration.

I walked to my locker and opened it I put my books and stuff in it and just had my math book which I didn't take math.  "Um I heard you forgot your math book so like I'm not taking math, so like here." I said holding out the book to her.

"um sure but like are you sure cause like I don't want to just like borrow someone's book and like knowing they needed it." So are you sure." She said looking up at me.

"um yeah totally take it I don't take math till like next week so like when you find your math book just give it back and done ." I said trying to explain .

"okay thanks. Um what is your name?" she asked.

"Oh um it Luke." I said.
"What is your name?" I asked her.

"Oh my name is Elizabeth , but you can call me Liz if you like. " she said.

"Ok then Liz ." I said.

" Wait Luke .... Luke Hemmings ." She said looking at me with a face like if she new me. "I'm suppose to show you around school, at lunch." She told me. "Cause we take the same classes but just not the math." She said explaining.

"Oh ok." I said confused. "So would you like to be my friend."

"yeah we are friends now." She said happily. "Um I have to go to math class, bye Luke. See you in next period." She said turning around and going to a class.

Ok now to go to my classes. I hope Im not that awkward boy I was last year at my old school.


The bell rang and I went to my class.

Ok guys next chapter is gonna be in Elizabeth's POV YAY .

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