Chapter 10

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This is going to be a short chapter I think.

Niall POV

The next morning I wake up and see that Liz i still asleep so I just go downstairs. I go to the kitchen and serve myself some cereal. I sit down on the table and eat it.

"Hey Niall what are you doing here." I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see Louis.

"Oh hey man." I say.

"Guess what." He said.

"What." I say.

"I'm going to ask Sheila out today." He says.

"But I thought she had a boyfriend." I say.

"What really she has a boyfriend." He ask.

"Yeah Liz told me a long time ago." I say.

"Who is it." He asks.

"Um that toby dude next door." I say.

"What my neighbor is my crushes boyfriend." He says.

"Hah yeah I guess." I say and go to the sink and put the empty bowl in it.

"Oh my god ugh fuck that toby dude." He says and goes to the couch in the living room.

"Dude calm down I heard that they fight a lot so they might break up soon." I say trying to calm him down.

"Yeah yeah your right. So how was your day yesterday with Liz." He asks. 

"Um it was fun. I bought her a huge Minnie Mouse." I say remembering yesterday.

"Oh ok I thought you were going to ask her out or something." He says.

"What no. Well.... I don't know.... She told me she liked me but that she liked someone else too." I say.

"Oh hah." He says.

" That's not funny man." I say.

"Hah it is." He says laughing.

"Hey guys." We hear a voice. We turn around and see liz.

"Oh hey liz." I say.

"Hey sis." Louis says Liz goes up to him and they do there TWIN HANDSHAKE. And she gives him a hug. She then goes to me and hugs me.

She is wearing her pjs.

"So are you doing anything today." I tell Liz.

"Um I do-" she gets cut off by her phone ringing.

"Hello" she says and walks upstairs.

Elizabeth's POV

The call

Me: hello

Luke: hey Liz are you doing anything today

Me: um I think so I don't know

Luke: oh ok

Me: yeah I might go somewhere with Niall


Me: yes Niall why you ask.

Luke: no no nothing just wondering

Me: um oh ok bye

Luke: bye see at school tomorrow

End of call

That was weird. I go back downstairs and see Niall eating an apple and Louis is on the couch watching tv.

Love Triangle|L.r.h|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz