Chapter Seven:

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EDITED: Chapter Seven:

Two weeks later and I was steadily avoiding Malfoy. Besides the classes we shared, I hadn't seen him except in passing.

When I had woken up that morning after the Cookie Incident, he'd still been asleep meaning it was easy to avoid the awkward after-conversation. Luckily I'd always been one to wake up earlier than the other students, so nobody else had seen the rather compromising position we were in.

The corridors were empty, though that was only natural as it was well passed curfew so the only people wandering out this late were the teachers and possibly prefects or the Heads. Sighing, I turned back the way I had come and made my way back to the Common Rooms, hoping by now Scorpius would be asleep and I could easily sneak in without a confrontation. The marble flooring made my shoes squeak and I prayed to Merlin that nobody could hear the slight noise.

“Puking Pastels,” I muttered, jumping through the portrait hole as it swung open. The entire room was dark, quiet. Even the everlasting fire that the house elves always kept going was out completely, and it was just plain eerie.

“Where were you?”

I screamed loudly, hoping someone could hear though I knew that the dorms were soundproof. A hand slapped over my mouth, cutting me off prematurely and I noticed just how calloused from hard work it was.

“Shh, it's just me Spencer!” It took me only a few seconds to recognize the voice and I cursed inwardly at my own bad luck. I knocked his hand away before turning to face him and I glared. His white-blond hair was as perfect as always which meant he hadn't been to bed yet, so he must have been waiting up on me.

"What do you want?" I questioned, my bad mood dissipating at the heart-stopping grin he threw my way. For someone to have a face like that should be beyond illegal, I thought to myself. His icy grey-blue eyes were so unlike his fathers, where Draco's were cold and calculating, Scorpius' were warm and caring. Where Draco's lips were thin and pale, Scorpius' were a bit more plump and colourful.

In every way you looked at it, Scorpius was unlike Draco Malfoy besides the major facial features such as hair and eyes and the paleness of their skin.

“You've been avoiding me,” Scorpius muttered, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“No I haven't,” I replied quickly, perhaps a bit too quickly even. His warm grey eyes looked me dead on, and I fought to keep eye contact. It was definitely a lot harder than I thought it would be.

“Yes you have Spencer, there's no point in lying. You're like an open book!” He smirked then, before turning around and grabbing something off the table behind him. “So tell me, why have you been avoiding me?”

In his hand was a plate with two sandwiches, each cut in half. He handed me one half before grabbing another and taking a giant-sized bite.

“I don't like what you're trying to do,” I stated, no longer feeling the need to lie to him. Maybe if I told him that I didn't like it, he'd stop or at least back down a bit.

“What am I doing that you don't like? Making sure you eat? Stay healthy? Keep you alive?  Is it the fact that I'm actually trying to make sure you take care of yourself?”

...Well, when he put it like that, it makes him sound like a damn saint!

“All of the above. I'm old enough to care for myself, thanks. I'd prefer it if you would just mind your own business.”

“No can do, Doll-Face. I'm going to become your best friend, and you wont even realize it's happened until you're relying on me,” Scorpius smirked once again, his voice pompous, uncannily reminding me of his father.

“Maybe in your dreams,” I sneered, but even now as I was close to hating him, I knew that I could trust him.

Don't get close to anyone Spencer. In less than three months you'll be going home to your own time! Don't do this to yourself again, you don't need anymore heartbreak! My mind screamed at me.

Of course I shouldn't get close to him, I knew better than that...

* * *

I shivered from the intense cold sweeping through my limbs. This night reminded me of the first night I had been thrown back into the Marauder's era and I'd slept out in the Forbidden Forest.

Only this time I had fallen asleep in the Quidditch stands during supper and woke up while it was still completely dark outside. The doors would be locked by now, but I seriously contemplated breaking into the school just to get out of the weather. The tips of my fingers were slightly tinged with blue and I stuffed them under my arms to try and keep them warm.

That's what I get for avoiding Malfoy once again...

I rolled myself into a ball, trying to conserve all the body heat possible and did my best to fall back asleep, trying to make the time go by faster.

Finally, thankfully, mercifully I fell asleep.


“You think she'll be all right?” I heard next to me, the voice sounding painfully familiar. “It's already been two days,” the voice muttered, and I could barely hear the shuffling of what I presumed to be feet at the foot of my bed.

“Didn't you hear what Ayla said? She's not been eating properly, nor sleeping well either. She's going to get extremely sick if she keeps going on like she has been!”


I pried my eyes opened, barely managing the feat.

“She's awake, someone go get Ayla,” someone to my left commanded, and I turned to look at whoever it was, immediately noticing Sirius.

At the foot of my bed stood Remus, the voice I recognized who was repeating what 'Ayla' had said about my state of health. Then to my right stood James Potter, the one who'd been asking if I'd be all right.

Sleeping in a chair to my left was Harry and in the chair to my right was Scorpius.

What were they all here for?

“Wus goin' on?” I slurred, my head spinning as I tried to sit up only to immediately be pushed back down by Sirius as James went to get Ayla. It took me several moments for me to remember just who 'Ayla' was, but eventually the words 'Sirius' and 'Wife' popped into my mind.

“Everything's going to be okay Spence,” Remus dodged the question, but came to the spot James had vacated and clutched at my hand.

His face, however, was an open book and showed all his worry.  He didn't look at me like everything would be okay.

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