Chapter Six:

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EDITED Chapter Six:

It's funny to think that not that long ago, Sirius and I were sharing a kiss and I thought life was absolutely perfect.  The man I loved obviously liked me back, and then I had to go and ruin everything. 

It had been an entire week since Remus, James and Harry visited.  They stayed for the rest of the night and into the early morning with me in the Common Room talking about absolutely nothing of importance. 

They left leaving me not only tired, but also happy.  Now a week later, the safe feeling I had with them was long gone, and it messed with my eating schedule.  I lost two more pounds, not that anyone was around to notice.

Cherish should have been a Ravenclaw for all the studying she did to get perfect grades, she was much too busy to bother with me at the time, which I could understand.  She wanted to make her father proud, she wanted to be the star child for once instead of her older 'perfect' sister.

As I zoned off in my own little world, I felt the seat beside me on the couch sink down a bit, signaling someone had sat right next to me.  Close, too close.  Our knees were touching and I immediately scooted over so that I could have my space.


The voice, deep and husky, spoke right into my ear, a soft whisper, as something was set onto my lap.  I looked down, noticing a plate of cookies before looking up at whoever had given them to me. 

"Thanks," I whispered as I turned to look at Scorpius Malfoy.

"You could do with gaining a bit of weight."  The smile on his face was most definitely enough to make any other girl's knees quake, but not me.  I wouldn't fall for it.  I wasn't going to stay here long, there was no point in making friends, much less falling for a Malfoy's charms.

He stood up, ruffling my hair like he would a cute puppy before walking off up the staircase towards the boy's dormitories. 

I set the plate of untouched cookies on the table in front of me before doing the same.

*  *  *  *

"You didn't eat them."

I stared at the blond haired boy who sat beside me in the Great Hall the next night at supper.  He didn't ask if I ate them, he plainly stated that I didn't, which I didn't bother to disagree with.  There was no point in lying to him.

"You should eat."

My eyes closed and I grimaced at the thought of sticking any of this disgustingly slimy food into my mouth. 

"You'll get sick if you don't."

"Look!" I growled, my eyes flashing angrily as I stared at the teenager.  "I don't see why you should care.  I'm not your friend, I'm not your family, you don't even know me so please, do us both a favor and leave me alone!"

I jumped up and stomped out of the Great Hall feeling more than one pair of eyes drilling into my back as I left.


After a complete fail in potions class, I was forced to stay behind for detention.  The new professor wasn't nearly as strict as my own father was, but he definitely didn't appreciate having his class room redecorated with thick, slimy, black goop.

"I expect this to never happen again, Miss Snape."

I nodded quickily before racing out of the dungeons as fast as my thin legs would carry me.  Unfortunately I only got to the entrance of the dungeons before a wave a exhaustion hit me, and I stopped abruptly.  My legs shook unsteadily and my breathing come in fast pants. 

Head pounding, heart racing.  

My stomach gave an uncomfortable lurch and I gagged, though nothing came out.  There was nothing in my stomach, after all.  

I waited for several moments and once my head cleared, I continued my way up to the Gryffindor Common Room and sank into the chair by the fireplace.  Thankfully nobody was there to witness my weakness and I could relax comfortably until I gained enough strength to climb the stairs to the dorm rooms. 

"Eat them."

Another -fresher- batch of cookies were shoved under my nose, and I could feel the bit of warmth they were radiating.  However, the chocolate chips looked slimy and disgusting, so instead I turned my attention towards the boy standing behind my chair.  


I never realized how completely adorable the puppy-dog look could be, but when Scorpius Malfoy did it, it was impossible to say no to.  Reluctantly, I grabbed a cookie and took a tiny nibble of it before pretending that I found it appetizing and grinning up at him.

"Don't bother. I'm still staying here until every single one of these are in your stomach."

Scowling, I took the biggest bite possible out of my cookie, trying to make the time I spent eating shorter.  I gagged as I swallowed the melt-in-your-mouth cookie but kept going regardless.  I wanted -no needed- this to be done and over with.  I just wanted to sleep.  

I was so tired.  Beyond exhausted.  

I knew I was in trouble when after my second cookie out of at least ten, I started to feel extremely full.  By the fourth one, I felt nauseous, but Scorpius kept staring at me and I knew that he wouldn't let me leave before every single one was gone.

"There...I'm done." I swallowed the bile that demanded to be let out, before standing up.  Too quickily if my swaying was any indication.  

"Come on, we'll sleep on this couch tonight."

My brain was too tired to completely process his words, but I nodded anyways and didn't struggle as he laid upon the couch and pulled me on top of him.  I simply didn't have the energy any longer.



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