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[[A/N: First and foremost…this is A SEQUEL TO ‘Back In Time’…my very first sequel ever written…I feel so proud! Lol. Vote! And if you haven’t read ‘back in time’ yet, make sure you do so or else you’ll be confused in this book! Disclaimer, I don’t own the characters besides Spencer Snape, JK Rowling does. ]]

EDITED Prologue:

It consumed me, the purple light that my father had sent towards me, leaving me breathless. This time around, there was no ‘falling through the sky’ experience, instead it felt as if a giant weight had been placed on top of my chest, restricting my breathing. It lasted for what seemed like ages, and it was the only thing I could think about.  When it finally did begin to fade, I found myself lying on something hard and ungiving. 

“Who’re you?”

Snapping my eyelids open, I stared directly into the sun, beyond disoriented, I turned to look at the boy who stood above me. We were outside of Hogwarts, clear blue skies overlooking us, not a cloud in sight.

“I’m Spencer…who’re you?”  The boy had shaggy chocolate-brown hair with clear blue eyes, he was rather tall and lanky, and he had piercings.  One hoop on his bottom lip and three hoops on the lobe of his left ear.  

“Ah. I’m Albus.”

I choked, having to sit up to avoid dying. Oh dear Merlin. I’ve gone even further back in time! “Al-Albus…Dumbledore?”

“Pfft, no! Albus, Albus Potter.”

I can’t be sure what had happened to me, but I’m pretty sure I fainted.

* * *

As I opened my eyes, I realized that I was still where I had fainted…if that wasn’t a dream to begin with. As I saw the same boy staring at me from above, I knew it wasn’t, and next to him were two more boys I didn’t know, both looking older than Albus by a year or two; more my age.

“Stay lying down, we just sent Lily to get Headmistress McGonagall.”

I did as directed, waiting for one of my favorite teachers from before any of this happened to me to come to my aid.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“I found her on the ground, Headmistress and she was fine. But…then she fainted! I swear I didn’t do it this time!” Albus stared at whomever was talking, his eyes wide.

This time? What I wanted to know was what happened last time! Not really the time to be thinking about that, Spencer, I said to myself. Gulping, I stared into the eyes of my old professor, wondering if she’d remember me.

“Spencer. I had a feeling I’d be seeing you soon enough. Follow me.”

I pushed myself off of the ground, staggering slightly as the anchor weight hadn’t completely vanished, but it was dimming slightly.

As we made it into Dumbledore’s old room, the Headmaster’s Office, I couldn’t help but notice how different it was. The portraits of old headmasters were still there, but instead of being slightly messy and filled with knickknacks and bobbles, it was clean, extremely clean and neat. The dominant color was green, and mostly the shelves were lined with books and what looked like home photographs.

“When you didn’t appear by the year 2000, we all assumed you had went a bit far into the future. Dumbledore had told me all about you and your story, I admit at first I didn’t believe him, but the moment I saw you today I knew the story to be true. Severus also gave us some information, such as that he put the spell into your hand before you left, and if you went too far you could use it. He did specify, however, that if you could not figure out the spell, I wait three months before showing you how to do it. I will abide by your father’s rules.”

“My father…how is he?”

“I’m not sure how to say this, Miss Snape but…he’s dead.”

I gasped, feeling the weight on my chest pressing down on me once again, this time making it nearly impossible to breath. No, no, no.  My father couldn't possibly be dead, she had to be lying but I knew from the look in her eyes that she was not and the words she spoke were truth.  I wanted to ask more, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, so instead I asked another question; trying desperately to get my mind off the news I'd just recieved.

“And the Maruaders; James, Sirius, Remus and Peter?” I wanted to ask about Sirius imparticular; but at the same time I wanted to know if I'd been able to change the future. Had I saved Sirius and James' lives?  

I waited impatiently for her answer.

[[The names of Albus Severus and James Sirius have BEEN SWITCHED AROUND, it is now Albus Sirius and James Severus]]

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