Chapter 2.

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(Mr. DiCaprio's Pov)
I walk into the room there lies my daughter motionless in the hospital bed. The doctor was right she doesn't look like herself. Her right eye is swollen shut her left arm along with her left leg is in a cast. Bruises, and scratches cover her face her whole body. I just want to take her in my arms and hold her. I walk over to her bed and set down in the chair. I take her hand in mine, and just bawl like a baby.

(Presslee's Pov)

Is this what it feels like to be dead? Just a long sleep? Total darkness. At least the awful pain I felt is gone for now. I'm not sure how to feel. It starts to get lighter wherever I'm at. I suddenly appear in a room all white with very bright lights I'm wearing the same clothes but the blood that was on them is gone. I can stand, walk pain free. I look around the room. Where am I? A bright white light appears at the door I shield my eyes from the brightness. A man with long brown hair and the sweet smile I've ever seen appears in front of me. I have a million questions for him but I just ask one for now.

"Where am I? Are you Jesus?" The man smiles and laughs quietly.

"You're in between worlds and no I am one of his angels." he says. I'm confused. Why am I not in heaven?

"I am here to tell you that everything is going to be okay now, but you will return to earth."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why am I not staying? I don't wanna go back." I'd rather be here than go back to the awful place we call earth.

"God is not ready for you yet you still have many great things to do and learn your still so young, and I know your father and brother would be devastated if you left." He points out. He is right but I'm so scared.

"I know the world is a scary place Miss Presslee, but you will have lots of people behind you I'm not saying returning to earth is going to be easy." he says pauses then continues.

"But you will get through it with the help of a very special person." is he talking about Harry? But before I can ask he disappears. I baffled to say at the least. I don't what to expect. I feel something or someone touching my hand. They are crying. I hear them speak.

"I'm so sorry my sweet baby I'm so sorry." I look around the room.

"Dad? Dad is that you?" I call out. I can hear him but I can't see him. I want to wake up. My Dad continues talking to me.

I hear him sniffle. "I wish I could have been there to help you in sorry." He continues to sob into my hand. I move my hand to see if he feels it. I don't think he notices. Everything goes dark in the once very well lit room. I try to open my eyes, but it's hard. I finally get a tiny peek. Everything is blurry, but I think I'm finally back in my body. My throat feels like a desert.

"Dad?" My voice is hoarse. "Daddy?" He looks up.

"Oh thank God honey you're awake I'm so sorry I'm sorry." I cry along with him.

As we just sit in silence the door opens. It's Harry. He's frantic. He walks over to my hospital bed.

"Oh God Presslee I'm sorry I'm so sorry baby." he takes a hold of my other hand. I look up at him. His eyes water up.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there I'm sorry" he looks at my Dad "What happened?" Mr. DiCaprio folds his arms.

"Presslee was attacked, raped, beaten, left for dead in your home." he isn't happy with Harry. But he didn't know. Harry looks back at me terrified. Eyes wide.

"I- oh my God I-" he doesn't know what say. "I'm sorry." he cries over and over in my neck.

"You didn't know Harry." I say hoping to assure him. He looks like he's gonna break. His bottom lip trembles. He starts to cry.

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