Not Exactly The Sleepover He Was Expecting.

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"Uh, nothing," Scott flashed him a grin and pulled off his shoes, sliding into the sheets. But Vincent had put two and two together - he knew why Scott was so reluctant.

Vincent looked at him sideways, "You still don't trust me? After all of this time?"

Scott froze, eyes widening. He didn't reply.

Vincent sighed, "Well. That hurts."

Scott turned to look at him, "I'm sorry. I really am. I can't help it. I want to trust you, I really do... I just get this feeling from you... That's why I can't-" He cut himself off and looked down.

"Why you can't what?" Vincent asked.

"Nothing..." Scott's shoulders slumped, "I'm really sorry, Vincent."

Vincent took off his own shoes and hopped into bed beside Scott, "It's okay. But I hope you can trust me one day."

"Yeah. So do I," Scott said. He looked over at Vincent and seemed to freeze up for a second, like he was deciding between something. Then he leaned over and rested his head on Vincent's chest, moving over so that he snuggled up to him.

Vincent smiled, letting his own arms wrap around Scott, "You know, if I was sure you'd say yes, I'd ask you to be my boyfriend right now."

Scott looked up at him, "Wait, really?"

"Yeah. Really," Vincent grinned, stroking Scott's side, "I'd like for you to be mine. Then I can finally say I'm not single." He chuckled.

Scott laughed, "Yeah... I'd like that too, I guess. But not yet."

"I know," Vincent said, "You don't even trust me yet. How on earth can I expect you to be happy with me?"

Scott sighed, then looked back at the TV, snuggling further into Vincent.

They stayed like that for the whole movie. Vincent focused more on Scott than the movie, though. He didn't stop slowly stroking his side, lost in thought.

His feelings for Scott were strange. It was too genuine to be infatuation and usually, crushes go away soon after you actually get to know the guy and kiss him once or twice. It wasn't lust - correction, Vincent thought, looking at Scott, It isn't all lust - No, Vincent found that - even after this time - he really... it was almost like he... was in love with him.

He stopped his thoughts there. No, no. He couldn't jump to conclusions with Scott. It wasn't going to last. Scott was going to break up with him, or end up dead. It wasn't a question of if. It was a question of when. But... 

Vincent sighed, feeling Scott's heart beating, feeling his smaller chest rising and falling with each breath, and hummed contentedly. Maybe it really was love...

Scott suddenly lifted his head, looking up at Vincent, "Did you ever cross-dress when you were younger?"

Vincent tilted his head, "No, actually. I guess it never really crossed my mind - excuse the pun. I just never thought about it. Why? Did you ever cross-dress?"

Scott blinked his large brown eyes at Vincent. Slowly, pink started to creep across the bridge of his nose, spreading across his face.

Vincent gasped, "Oh my gawd, you totally did, didn't you?!"

Scott hid his face in Vincent's shirt, embarrassed. His voice was muffled when he spoke, "Linda always wanted a little sister. So when we were 15... she used to let me wear her dresses..." He paused for a moment, then squeaked, "And her makeup..."

Vincent laughed, "That's absolutely adorable! I bet you look amazing in a dress."

Scott looked up at Vincent, "You think so? Y-You don't... you don't mind?"

"Of course not. I'm sure you look super cute," Vincent smiled down at him, "You know what? I think I'm even going to get you a dress to try out."

"Don't do that!" Scott yelped, pushing away from Vincent, "Imagine what everyone else would say!"

"Aw, come on, who cares what they think?" Vincent grinned, "We can even go dress shopping. With Linda, if it makes you feel better. It'd be really cool."

"I don't know..." Scott mumbled, "Really. If anyone saw me wearing a dress, I'd be so embarrassed. It's so girly."

"So? You don't have to wear them in front of anyone else. You don't even have to show me if you don't want to. But I want to see you in at least one of them," Vincent said, "Plus, who says it's girly? Girls wear guys' clothing all the time."

Scott looked at him for a long time, then he wavered a little, "I... guess... if it was just one... You promise?"

"One hundred per cent," Vincent said.

Scott bit his lip, then sighed, grinning sheepishly, "Alright, I think we know what our third date is going to be."

"Perfect," Vincent grinned. "But let's finish this one first, okay?"

Scott's grin widened and became more genuine, "Okay."

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